first CFL grow - stalk advice please


hey girls lets not turn this into a flamefest we're all in this together, a common aim and a common enemy - lets not turn on each other


uppy updates....

Well gurus Ive been a - fretting and a - worrying for 40 days now since I planted my stalky little white widow seed. Decided to go 12/12 seven days ago, so that made 36 days of veg and that weedy little stalk turned into a monster 2 foot high and bursting thick with veg growth, not spindly at all.

Anyways I've sweated conkers wondering if its a male, or a hermie, because after seven days of 12/12 it doesnt smell of anything, ( whereas my AMS is starting to reek ) , and theres no sign of flowering.

Attached is a macro pic of just one small branch. Can any of you guys deduce anything at all from this pic, like is it male, hermie, or just doing what it should ? cheers all
teut the toke
