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  1. S

    Questions on Bottled Organic Nutes and Microbes in Sooil

    So thats the opposite answer of the guy above. So what is the actual answer? I have noticed if I spill a little PBPG on a table ot something there will be salt residue left shortly after drying is this part of it also just because of the salt build up even though botanicare claims to use...
  2. S

    Questions on Bottled Organic Nutes and Microbes in Sooil

    Thank you for the clear well thought out answer exactly what I was wondering. I will be switching to super soil and I have some PBPG PBPB and cal-mag if the super soil runs out late that is why I was wondering if you could feed with liquid organic ferts thats all. thanks again for answering my...
  3. S

    Questions on Bottled Organic Nutes and Microbes in Sooil

    I have a simple question. Ive been a long time reader here and recently started posting here and there. I have looked on the google machine and here and have not found this answer. I dont want to be told not to use liquid organic ferts or teas and this and that and dont want this to become...
  4. S

    Bottom most leaves limp as a noodle?

    Sounds like you have a good idea can you post your results. Im kinda curious now
  5. S

    Organic soil grow, necessary to flush?

    Ya dude im no expert but thos pics look like N deficiency. If it were me I would start feeding every other watering with some N ferts or whatever you use for n. I would start slow and increase the amount slowly. If you are just planning on using Roots soil with no amendments or ferts it will...
  6. S

    Bottom most leaves limp as a noodle?

    How often are you watering are you feeding them any nutes
  7. S

    Organic soil grow, necessary to flush?

    IDK just replying cause this guy just asked yesterday haha.
  8. S

    Organic soil grow, necessary to flush?

    I think if you are growing organically like say with subcools method with his supersoil then a flush is not needed. This is just my opinion but I think the whole point of flushing is first to get built up salt from unused chemical ferts out of the soil and second is to make sure the plant late...
  9. S

    Let's talk about LED's!

    Leds are far superior as far as energy consumption goes those ufos you were talking about supposidly give the same light as a 600 hps. If flowering can be done well with em there would be no reason not to use them and I would definetly use them for veg just to keep things low key with the...
  10. S

    This Changed My Life Forever.

    sounds like a bad anxiety attack and you said there were a bunch of people there that you didnt know and laughing and they were saying how fucked up you were. Thats the worst and being out in a different state all those things probably escalated it.
  11. S

    Growing Shrooms

    Just curious where did you get that info? Because you can definitly eat too many shrooms and OD I had a buddy get rushed to the emergency room and had to have his stomach pumped.