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  1. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    i have an easy rider but she start flowering from day 25 ... now it is like 44 days from seed
  2. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    some pics to share with all my first grow :D the one in the back has some Green/Yellow leaves but isee now is looking more green that in the pictures any sugestion?
  3. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    Some update from my Auto-Berry is 1 month old .
  4. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    i want to supply my 90 w ufo with 100 watt led panel ( just white 6000-6500 K) vor the veg stage ... should be more better for the plants or i leave just the ufo to make the job?
  5. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    anyone try to flush using canna flush for soil ?
  6. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    yes the fan is blowing in the tent and the leaves are moving a littel :D like a light wind .. to keep the fan 24 / 7 or ???
  7. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    how should i keep the fan blowing on the plants or in the walls of my tent?
  8. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    thx for advice mates i will do that right away :) i have a 6" fan blowing all the day buy it 2 days ago and job done :))) thx again
  9. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    Wondering,, Are you going to back-fill that to the false leaves? what you mean with this ? is my first grow any sugestion?
  10. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    This is my Auto - White Widow 19 days old
  11. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    I grow now an auto WW..
  12. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    Auto Berry - Day 21 update This is my baby :D
  13. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    i want to order some bio-bizz veg , bloom and heaven anyone some experience with them or i go with canna nuts?
  14. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    yes it is the brown bottle ... when you give them nutes every week ? i put 5 drops in 0.5 L water but i think i will add more water like will be the first time when i give them nuts...
  15. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    i want to use baby bio npk 10.6-4.4-1.7 , my plants are 14 days old ..anybody use this plant food? thx in advance
  16. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    i will give them mine now 20-4 until at the finish of this week after i will put them on 18-6 ... i grow with led so for me is cheap :)) anyway i don`t pay any bills for electricity :D
  17. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    is alright like this so ... i will leave the soil like how it is ..and i will water it with 6.6 ph water. how you keep the lights in the veg stage 20-4 or 24 -0 :) ?
  18. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    cheers mate for info .. they are growing well .. my soil ph is around 7.1-7.2 i think i need to lower it a littel bit .. i buy from the fish shop some ph minus ..maybe some advice?
  19. Seminta

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    thx for the info i will leave them now without water until the soil is dry . .. hope they will be ok