Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!


I will post the pics when I get home .. The humidity I don't know exactly because today I didn't find where to buy from. Anyway the humidity where I leave is high
, here are also the pics all 5 plants has same problem ... i water them 2 days before , and i also water them today but the soil was like half wet



Well-Known Member
don't sweat it man, they look okay. wait untill the pot gets light before you water again oe stick your finger in the soil up to the 2nd knuckle. if its wet then don't water. if its dry then water.


Well-Known Member
ok, popped a tail this AM. put in a jiffy pellet and under new cfls. my diesel ryder is in the fight baby!

its the one closest to the camera and the one lonely in the seedling dome


Well-Known Member
thx for the info i will leave them now without water until the soil is dry . .. hope they will be ok
Sometimes seedlings can get a little sickly but they adapt to their environment and prosper. If it starts getting stiff and drieing out or moldy or something then worry. But if it is a little deformed or something and it is still growing daily then no worries.

Hey Seminta, those girls are looking fine. Don't think too much. ;)
We have all been there in the beginning. Good advice. heh


cheers mate for info .. they are growing well .. my soil ph is around 7.1-7.2 i think i need to lower it a littel bit .. i buy from the fish shop some ph minus ..maybe some advice?


Well-Known Member
cheers mate for info .. they are growing well .. my soil ph is around 7.1-7.2 i think i need to lower it a littel bit .. i buy from the fish shop some ph minus ..maybe some advice?
I wouldn't worry as long as your solution is slightly acidic 6.5-6.9. Sheeeeit In the summer my water pH goes up close to 8 and after nutes are added it is still about 7.2-7.4 and I never had a problem in soil.


is alright like this so ... i will leave the soil like how it is ..and i will water it with 6.6 ph water. how you keep the lights in the veg stage 20-4 or 24 -0 :) ?


Well-Known Member
I do 24/0 as seedlings when they go into the veg tent they will get 16 hours. And once my veg is closed they go into 11.25 hours of light for flower. I grow mainly sativas and they ripen faster in 11ish hours and some indicas too. Plus I am broke and a cheap ass so every penny counts. lol


i will give them mine now 20-4 until at the finish of this week after i will put them on 18-6 ... i grow with led so for me is cheap :)) anyway i don`t pay any bills for electricity :D


Well-Known Member
cheers mate for info .. they are growing well .. my soil ph is around 7.1-7.2 i think i need to lower it a littel bit .. i buy from the fish shop some ph minus ..maybe some advice?
just PH your water to about 6.8 unless your going to "make it rain" (look it up) you can use lemon juice to bring down the ph of your water and baking soda to bring it up.


Well-Known Member
i got a hermomiter (75-80 during lights on) but no humidity meter, i no the humidity id very low, but how can i increase it?????

in regards to my plant, looks like she starting to flowerat day 17 :) what you guys think of her??? :)



Active Member
hi not sure if i done it right i joined kulong group an i am on the members bit anyway i have a g13-lab auto white russin it come with the b-day promo from the tude supposed to be a new strain from them,so it popped out the coco on the 31st so does that count me in???? the thing is its only 8 days old an its already flowering i thought i would have aleast a couple more weeks of veg i post some pics up on the weekend but yes if i am in time i would like to be in the compo peace my fellow ri upers


Active Member
AK10 004.jpgView attachment 153815210 DAYS OLD from the time it poped threw the dirt
Germed in a cd case with wet paper towels :) im old school...Under 250 watt HPS in a 4'x2'x6' "length/width/hieght" grow box :) There sitting in 7L pots filled with Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil...Will be useing Fox Farm Big Bloom as well..


Well-Known Member
I'm out. The White Russian froze to death last night due to high winds, low temps, and power outage in my barn. Fortunately, I only had the two auto's germing in there. I have 1 more auto seed but it's probably too late. Good luck to the rest of you guys! I'll watch and learn.

I'll also be ordering some auto's intentionally for round 3!


Well-Known Member
I'm out. The White Russian froze to death last night due to high winds, low temps, and power outage in my barn. Fortunately, I only had the two auto's germing in there. I have 1 more auto seed but it's probably too late. Good luck to the rest of you guys! I'll watch and learn.

I'll also be ordering some auto's intentionally for round 3!
bummer man, youd thing it would like the cold, being russian and all.....


Well-Known Member
bummer man, youd thing it would like the cold, being russian and all.....
The jiffy pellet was frozen solid this morning. I brought it in and placed her in a warm spot with a heat mat. I'm 99% sure that she's not gonna make it. The power was still on when I went to bed. Oh's blowing about 60 MPH now....Spring