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  1. Kaya08

    OHH.... My 2 lovely girls... Almost Done!!! w/pics

    you may get a quarter off that
  2. Kaya08

    Harvest a hermi??? I got 1 hermie anything diffrent during harvest?

    i have it seperated :) the funny thing is i have only pulled off maybe 3 or 4 pollen sacs the plant never grew any more back after the first 3 or 4... no seeds have been found.. im hoping to harvest it in like 2 weeks.. the only reason i kept it is because it was the only female that showed in...
  3. Kaya08

    Fucking hell!!!! Heelllppp needed now!!!!!!

    i think it is because his plant fell in the toilet...and his avatar has a character that appears to be pulling something out of the toilet.
  4. Kaya08

    Harvest a hermi??? I got 1 hermie anything diffrent during harvest?

    i dunno there is one hermi in my crop that i have been checking everyday and pulling off pollen sacs and at 40 days flowering it is THE most crystal covered plant in my crop
  5. Kaya08

    tell me a story, make me laugh or cry

    it is around 8 hours from US i flew there about a month ago. I CANNOT WAIT TO GO BACK. Even if weed wasn't such a big draw the whole country is SO BEAUTIFUL. ticket is around 11-1200 USD though.. but damn worth it if you save up for it
  6. Kaya08

    Seeds on a plane.Advice.

    above post might work
  7. Kaya08

    Dorm room grow

    thats way too much risk for not much weed at all
  8. Kaya08

    How can I grow 1 long cola instead of tiny little ones

    one long cola... do NOT top, probably after vegging a few weeks you can trim the lower leaves and branches so the plant will devote all energy to producing the top cola a lot of people will just flower clones immediately after they root and end up with one main cola others can probably chime...
  9. Kaya08

    Qusestions regarding Al B Fucts "Get a harvest every 2 weeks"

    if you want to keep a plant in veg and still have a "night period" use an 18 hour light, 6 hour dark schedule indoor plants will only flower when given 12 hours of light and 12 hours dark and you can totally use metal halide or even floros for veg... most people just recommend the hps because...
  10. Kaya08

    good amsterdam strains

    Just got back from the Dam 2 weeks ago... Had a blast as one would expectate. If anyone ever has the chance the visit the Nederlands please do yourself that favor. Beautiful country. Anyway.. while there my partner and I tried the following strains and not a one of them was sub par. A Haze...
  11. Kaya08

    growing getting too involved with my life?

    wick method kept my shit alive for two weeks NO LIE, I would be more concerned with leaving high powered lights on for a length of time, but vegging with a few cfls and wick method worked out great for me
  12. Kaya08

    good hiding places.

    if you are worried about being raided WHY on earth would you want pounds of grass in your HOME, even if it is hidden?? some things I read on this site never cease to amaze me other than that i can offer no real help, good luck
  13. Kaya08

    i've done the research, i want user reviews! SEEDS!

    seed boutique failed me, lucky I just got back from the dam
  14. Kaya08

    Pure Power Plant x Sour Diesel - What to call it?

    yea either super sour power, or pure sour power, or sour power flower hahaha
  15. Kaya08

    people busted in home town ediots

    who is the editor of that article?? the grammar was horrible
  16. Kaya08

    Pinching Tops.

    uhh you have near 700 posts and ask this??... are you in veg mode? id say itd be okay, thats what topping is called right? if your in flowering mode and you pinched off a bud i would say that was a dumb move
  17. Kaya08

    home depot hps light?

    i use these things to veg and it aint bad... just slap some duct tape over the sensor, 24 hour dark baby, how hard is that?
  18. Kaya08

    good hash strains?

    also i noticed Soma seeds offer a strain called 'Hash Heaven' it's hashplant 13 x G-13 looks dank
  19. Kaya08

    Nirvana's stealth

    no worries mon, can't have the ganja guru mad at me!
  20. Kaya08

    Nirvana's stealth

    lol ill mail you the cardboard box fdd if youll mail it back... just jokin. i agree it is super easy for feds to have an order sent to themselves, but just reposting posts of stealth packages doesnt help the cause ya know. sorry i came off the wrong way.. one love