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  1. mrkushy420

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    maybe you should give it a shot, ive ran with the cheap stuff and will never go back to that crap after seeing what H&G can do. the cheap stuff cant compete with these nutes. that because cheap nutes use cheap derivatives. those cheap nutes leave a shit load of salt buildup. and your plants...
  2. mrkushy420

    house & garden users

    and yes you will, usually as soon as i feed with shooting powder they swell more than ever depending on your strain. just remember, dont just pour it in put it in a dixie cup, fill with a lil bit of water, stir it up to activate the shooting powder, than add it to your solution
  3. mrkushy420

    house & garden users

    same here, i follow what the calculator chart says right down to the ml and ive had nothin but great results. ive seen a crop INFESTED with spider mites, and im talking webbing all over some of the colas. i was a bit mad a at my boss for letting them get this bad but for whatever knowlege he...
  4. mrkushy420

    How did "YOU" build your hydroponics system??

    for my next one im just gunna run a drip system, run to waste. i got a 4x4 botanicare tray, 20ft of tubing, drip fittings, and micro tubing. cut your tubing into desired lenth and where you want to split it. after that make small wholes into the main tubing and insert your fittings for your...
  5. mrkushy420

    Water Questions

    with tap water, it just all depends on how good your local tap water is. ive been using distilled water for my nutes and tap water for straight watering. but the water where i live is decent enough to use with straight water. if your tap water is shit, then i would invest in a RO machine, it...
  6. mrkushy420

    Turning Off T5's 4 Weeks into Flowering, Will it Hurt the Plant?

    shes 4 weeks into flowering, and i wanted to try turning my t5 strips and just have the HPS running to see if my buds would show a better difference. By taking out the extra spectrum of light after having it in their since flowering started, would it hurt or shock the plant. if someone could...
  7. mrkushy420

    Yellow Leaf Veins and Burnt Leaf Tips, Any Ideas?

    im 4 weeks into flowering and for a couple weeks now the veins on some of the top, older fan leaves are yellowing. and yesterday most of the leaf tips are burnt a little. possiblly a def. ?? any ideas??:wall:
  8. mrkushy420

    150 HPS Sun Budget Complete- $28.75

    ive been told you can run a mh in regular hps ballast, the only problem is the bulb life gets reduced. im not sure about the 150w though, the ballast might not be able to take it
  9. mrkushy420

    Bottom, Younger Water Leafs Yellowing and Falling Off? Help Anyone?

    shes 4 weeks into flowering, and i only have ph test drops atm because the local hydro store is out till next week. but the drops show it at a 6.5 after nutes are added. and i keep the water at room temp before watering. also thank you for repying
  10. mrkushy420

    Bottom, Younger Water Leafs Yellowing and Falling Off? Help Anyone?

    i went to check on my flowering female a couple minutes ago and i notices one of the younger water leafs fell off. they have been yellowing slowly the past week, but this is the first to fall off. should i be worried? or is this natural for uneeded leaves to fall off. this is my first grow and...
  11. mrkushy420

    150 HPS Sun Budget Complete- $28.75

    get it! i payed 155 for two sunlight supply 150w. the only problem is, the light spread isnt to great. so if you let the plant get 4ft tall 4weeks into flowering, the plant flowers a lot slower. but for small supercropped grows their great. i tried topping under two of these and i was able to...
  12. mrkushy420

    Grow tent ventilation help anyone?

    ok, good to know i had the right idea. thanks for your help, ill smoke a fatty for ya
  13. mrkushy420

    Grow tent ventilation help anyone?

    I recently upgraded from my two 150w hps lights to a grow tent setup.. This is my first time doing ventilation but not the first ive seen it should look like. i was wondering if i can pull air starting at the carbon filter, through a 600w mh/hps, and out through the outside of the tent without...
  14. mrkushy420

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    i always make sure i have some shoots starting to grow before i top. if there arent any shoots devoping chances are no. sorry, but dont give up. next grow just wait a few more weeks and cut off just below the growth node. i love the results i get, if your looking for faster, quicker grows.
  15. mrkushy420

    yellow edges, brown dots?

    its good to here your babies are ok, its always good to see them purking up after finding the problem
  16. mrkushy420

    yellow edges, brown dots?

    lol probably, im just a paranoid beginner, so i worry about little things. i flushed her with ph balanced un nuted tap water yesterday and no signs of more burning. i gave her a flush with clearex about a week ago also when i switch to 12/12 and before transition nutes
  17. mrkushy420

    yellow edges, brown dots?

    yea it def cant be a cal deff because i dont have necrotic spot, but more of a yellow chrosis spots. and the burns are only one about 40-60% of one leaf on the smaller leafs and water leafs on new, forming buds. you think maybe a nute burn? im using 10ml batanicare pro bloom, 10ml sweet, 5ml...
  18. mrkushy420

    yellow edges, brown dots?

    the same thing that happened in the first picture is happening to my plant. shes about a week into flowering and i noticed that parts of the younger water leafs were burnt almost like an insect munched on my baby. im not sure if could be a cal or mg def. for me because i used botanicare cal-mag...