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  1. gemini2001

    Problems (leaves) turning yellow, spots, purple vain's

    That sound about right.. give it more p then n doring flowering.
  2. gemini2001

    9 week ak48 ready?

    Thet was the same clone in all 3.. but thank 4 the input
  3. gemini2001

    9 week ak48 ready?

    Thanks for the repley everyone.. all 3 pics where off one of my clones.. am growing in a 4x4 tent.. I hered that ak give a good head high and that I should harvest with lil amber.. anyone eles ever here of this.? Also I stay confuse on the fluching prosess.. some people say don't flush others...
  4. gemini2001

    9 week ak48 ready?

    Alright koo.. should I stop feeding and only water?
  5. gemini2001

    9 week ak48 ready?

    Can I get a why u think that?
  6. gemini2001

    9 week ak48 ready?

    Headline says it all.
  7. gemini2001

    7 week ak48 should I start feeding stright water

    Thanks for that bit of info so what your saying is don't flush with pure water?and also to wait untill the amber trics change?
  8. gemini2001

    7 week ak48 should I start feeding stright water

    I'll update on a better pic soon
  9. gemini2001

    7 week ak48 should I start feeding stright water

    Almost done ???
  10. gemini2001

    How To Extract Oils From My Plants?

    So keep it cooking on a pot for 24 hours on low?
  11. gemini2001

    How To Extract Oils From My Plants?

    I would like to know so I can make sum brownies.
  12. gemini2001

    Bottom leaves Dying 1 Week Into Flower

    I would just chop the ones that 4 R not getting light.. there gana die anyways more enrgy for bud growth.
  13. gemini2001

    possible nute burn?

    The ec way to high stay under by 1.3 the most
  14. gemini2001

    not to sure what the prob is with pics

    Ok flush them feed it light and don't watter for 3 or 4 days after that is my best advice I can give.
  15. gemini2001

    not to sure what the prob is with pics

    Again? Did u resently flush and feed them?
  16. gemini2001

    how should i handle this

    Thanks for that info ;)
  17. gemini2001

    not to sure what the prob is with pics

    If u got cal mag use some it won't hurt but stop the grow nuts for shore and 4 ml a l seems high even with the low npk u probly hitting at less 1.5 ec try cuting the food in half so 2ml l of micro and bloom and 1 ml L of cal mag.. that might help.
  18. gemini2001

    not to sure what the prob is with pics

    Ok cut the grow food that's wats probaly fucking with it your p needs to be more then k.