7 week ak48 should I start feeding stright water


Well-Known Member
pics are kinda far away, and the HPS washes out any color we would need to see to judge ripeness...but it looks good...basically swollen calyxes, receeding browning pistils, and milky/cloudy going to amber trichomes = ripe :D


Well-Known Member
It should be done around 8-9 weeks so if you start flushing now you'll have a good 10-14 day flush. My vote goes toward plain water.
Great looking plant my bro. I'm smoking on some AK48 outdoor, and this shit is dank.



Well-Known Member
Don't flush,they're not toilets. And under normal circumstances AK48 actually take around 55-59 days from when flowering actually begins,not when you flip to 12/12.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I would go for 10 weeks and begin to flush at week 9. I just harvested ak48 and went 9 weeks. I should have done 10 for the final swell. Anyway the smoke was fire. just my 2 cents. I know the wait is painfull but you will be greatly pleased. Nice work!


Well-Known Member
As I said dude, 53-59 days, you don't really want any amber trics, kinda defeats the purpose of growing AK48.

It's all Iv been growing for over a year ;)

And don't flush unless youre a noob willing to believe any old BS, please, AK48 is a nute whore and it will not be all it can be if you do the "mythical flush".


Thanks for that bit of info so what your saying is don't flush with pure water?and also to wait untill the amber trics change?


Well-Known Member
Yeah no need to flush, just reduce your nutes to about 3/4.

You want to chop when it's mostly cloudy with as little amber as possible, AK48 gives a beautiful head buzz, amber just ruins it and makes you feel groggy and confused.