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  1. degausspress

    Co2 dilemma

    Exactly, nothing has been proven yet. My point was that the test is not necessarily reflecting how much co2 is coming out- of any source, if a known source of co2 is also giving a low test. So if that proved co2 bags were worthless, then it would also have proved that co2 generators are...
  2. degausspress

    Co2 dilemma

    They definitely are a weaker solution, but shouldn't the co2 generator be putting out a lot? That also tests low. Points to some kind of leak or something IMO. In the mean time, sounds like it can't hurt to go give your plants a nice deep exhale here and there.
  3. degausspress

    Co2 dilemma

    Gotcha, a sealed light exhaust. I would double check it's not pulling air around the light of the glass, maybe use some nashua tape there. Maybe run an experiment where you turn off the light and the associated fans and see if levels rise. Also I believe CO2 is heavier than air- is it being...
  4. degausspress

    Co2 dilemma

    Do you have an exhaust fan going? Need to cycle that off for CO2 to build up, which of course makes heat management tricker. So you typically need to use a high tech controller to coordinate it all. Sorry if that was an obvious suggestion but you didn't mention that. I preferred the...
  5. degausspress

    LIBERTY HAZE- the most perplexing strain ever?

    Seems like another strain with wildly varying phenos or instabilities. Barney's descriptions are "glowing" to say the least. If they do say so themselves, complete with a claim of 25% THC that I could not corroborate. What I find perplexing is the name... Liberty Haze seems to have nothing...
  6. degausspress

    Marijuana Compassion Common Sense Radio Show

    I have been listening with a great app for Android call TuneIn Radio. I even have it recording automatically each week. This is the best Cannabis show I have ever heard- entertaining, informative, and not too slow, unprepared, or "too street" like many other marijuana shows.:clap:
  7. degausspress

    girl scout cookies

    WOW. This thread is so fucking epic, that I'm not sure if I learned ANYTHING. LOL. Reinforcing my beliefs that "strains" of Cannabis are usually quite unstabile, rushed to market, confused, and hyped, and yet, still utterly mouthwatering. I wouldn't pay some astronomical price for GSC or...
  8. degausspress

    Light rotator/spinner/twister/yeah

    2 year old thread, but there are such solutions, here is one: I know Kessil has one for their little LED units.
  9. degausspress

    Led light comparable to 1000 watt hps??

    It is all about PAR... and there is always a new model in development. This sums up the problem, there's always a better, cheaper one around the corner, and the lights last for years. It's a lot like waiting for HDTV's to drop in price, it took a while, but eventually worth the wait for those...
  10. degausspress

    Need info on what is needed to grow medical for profit in California

    Besides the fact that Cali has lots and lots of growers, there is no such thing as legally selling weed under prop 215. Even to dispensaries masquerading as 'collectives'. Period. If you choose to, you are definitely taking a risk. Anyone that says otherwise doesn't get it. Those are state...
  11. degausspress

    Bubble Bhang--Drinking the contents of the 25 micron hash bag

    Hmmmm.... I would only attempt this with 100% clean leaf. While the vegetable matter or any bugs have been filtered out, a 25 micron bag does not remove dirt or microbes.
  12. degausspress

    When do you replace your hps bulb?

    After comparing brand new bulbs with much older ones, using a lux meter for the lumens and my eyesight for the shade of spectrum, I personally believe that tossing the bulbs all the time is a complete waste. You should try for at least 2 years with the same bulb. Digital ballasts help older...
  13. degausspress

    When do I replace my HPS bulb.

    Old thread but I thought I would point out that digital ballasts supposedly can counter the effects of lumen loss. I just compared a brand new Ushio with one that had been used for about 1 year with a lux meter and found no difference... Regarding the autoflower, those strains are so dang...
  14. degausspress

    New High Times Suggests Harvesting Earlier...RIU Rejoice!

    Here is what I'm talking about, this time it ended up mostly cloudy with a couple amber in there, most of the little trichomes are upright with a swollen globe on the end. Only a few have stretched and bent. This is Grape Ape harvested on 2/7/2012!
  15. degausspress

    New High Times Suggests Harvesting Earlier...RIU Rejoice!

    Just like people used to spend so much time focusing on white hair percentages, I feel this whole debate is a red herring. However, using my method there are never any amber crystals, it is usually 1/2 clear and 1/2 milky. In my opinion, it looks gorgeous with very clouded/amber crystals, but...
  16. degausspress

    Metal Halide VS High Pressure Sodium

    T5's are the best for vegetative or flower boosting if you want to save energy- to make them effective they can go 1-2 inches away from the plant, making up for the fact that they put out slightly less light per watt. CMH for flowering: Ceramic MH has fantastic spectrum but I'm not sure in...