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  1. S

    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    Those were soil readings. Runnoff tended to be lower towards the 6.0 PH. I flushed my plant with baasically tap water like you did. I am going to flush it again with some distilled water that I got from wal-mart for 88 cents a gallon. Then recheck the soil PH and run off and go from there.
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    Any need to try cloning if I don't have seperate rooms for vegging and flowering?

    I wonder how much the lighting schedule effects clones? When you clone you don't want direct light on them. I put clones in the shadows underneath the mother plant. Clone in soil. If the clone takes it is usually around 10 to 11 days that I have roots popping out where I can see them. I use...
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    Nirvana's Aurora Indica - 400w Mh, Soil

    From my experience PH is the problem most of the time. I had similair plant problems and the PH in that plant was close to 6.2 PH. My healthy plant was 6.8 PH. Remember that adding fert/nutes can cause saltt build up over time which will lower your PH.
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    Leaf edges curling up

    Old thread but... I just started haveing this problem on my mother plant and ITS DEFFINATELY NOT HEAT STRESS. Room temp is 79 degrees under two 40 watt florescent 4' bulbs. Humidity is 50%. I grow in soil. The mother plant is 5 months old and this is the first problem I have had with her so...
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    cloning problems

    What do you mean by "pinching"? the puck.
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    Newbie Cloner Problems

    You don't want them in standing water from what I know. Just wet the soil initially and then mist. Yellowing means they are using up energy from the leaves and rooting. If you have black between the stem and leaf it usualy is mold causing it. In 10 to 15 days you should have some roots...
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    Man, Now Im Getting Worried :( These Bad Leaves Are Up At The Tops Of My OG Kush,Hlp

    From what I understand about soil is... 6.8 is good. Anywhere between 6.3 and 6.9 is ok. Very old video has some good info on soil. Also you mentioned your humidity is high in the summer. You soil may be retaining...
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    question on stunted plant

    I wounder if it is similair to my runt. It sprouted about 4 days after the one you can kind of see in the picture. I am guesing that the roots are damaged or rotten. One tip of the leaf is started to change color kind of like a brownish. I think it will soon be on deaths doorstep.
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    Cloning Necrosis

    I transplanted the healthy one to soil, Epsoma organic potting mix, and it is doing ok for now. At first it was wilting pretty badly. So I put the dome over it and misted it a couple times. It sprang back up nicely. I noticed that it has even sprouted one root from above the soil down into...
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    Cloning Necrosis

    Thanks for the reply. I checked the sick plants and they did have mold under the neoprene sleeves and on the stems. I read up on hydrgen peroxide and decided to add 2 cups of (3%) hydrogen peroxide to the 4 gallons water in the bubbler. Hopefully this won't "burn" the small roots and will kill...
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    Drooping Seedlings?

    That is positively a sign of overwatering. The leaves turn down and then cup up back towards the stem.
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    Cloning Necrosis

    My clone from soil that did this basicaaly was rotten with mold. This are in a bubble cloner and are not showing any roots after 11 days. The top left clone which looks healthy has roots starting and no necrosis. My question is will the clones with necrosis eventually make it? Or is the...