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  1. H

    Weird Dreams.

    I recently started cutting down how much I smoke I use waste 12g in 3 days and now I'm barely packing a bowl a day . BEEN HAVING TRIPPY ASS DREAMS!!!!!!!!!! I mean the dreams are almost as fun as smoking weed itself lol. They feel so real I mean it's pretty damn cool I would suggest everyone...
  2. H

    Baby sprouts 2 different seeds 2 different types of plants?

    Pollinate on a nug? How do I do that?
  3. H

    Switching daylight after 1 week?

    Right now I have my plants out sunrise roughly 630 sun sets around 7-8. What I wanna start doing is cutting down to 12/12 after a week of veg. I don't want them to get big could I do that? Or could I even start the 12/12 already? I really don't want anything big maybe about a foot of plant?
  4. H

    Baby sprouts 2 different seeds 2 different types of plants?

    If I do could I try to do a cross breed if one is a male? Or that would just be a waste of time(I don't want seedy weed for nothing)? I usually just destroy all the males at first sight but if I could make a hybrid and save all those seeds that would be pretty nice. Don't know if its possible...
  5. H

    Baby sprouts 2 different seeds 2 different types of plants?

    Hey guys I planted my seeds about a week and a half ago and my babies are looking like they might be two different types. I used some random MJ seeds I had put in a box a while back. The first one is about 2 In. tall with long thin leaves the second one is about 1 in and has short broad leaves...
  6. H

    Need some help with bulbs for indoors.

    Do you think 40w will be good enough for a 1 foot plant?
  7. H

    Need some help with bulbs for indoors.

    What if I put it with lots of foil around it would that help? Or switch to the 26Watt bulb? Also how far away do I place it from the soil or plant? I have been reading around 1 in is that right? Thank you for your help.:mrgreen:
  8. H

    Need some help with bulbs for indoors.

    Ima add bulb B is white light and bulb A is yellow or average home light color
  9. H

    Need some help with bulbs for indoors.

    I have 2 light bulbs and I could only use one I'm only growing one plant. Light bulb A reads 26w 120vac 60hz 340mA FLE26HT3/2/ DV/SW. Light bulb B reads 5500k 120v 60Hz 14W 0.230A. Which one do I use? I planted the seed about 2 days ago and I'm trying to sprout it outside with the sun but I...