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  1. O

    Lst question

    Without throwing out insults, most people are thinking it would be a greater bend @ 90 degrees since bending the top of a plant 90 degrees which was growing straight would bring it parallel with the ground.... therefore anything less than that and you would obviously be having less of a bend...
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    What would you do???? Found the mutha load on walk

    I'm just thinking from the growers perspective though. It would feel very sickening to know somebody tampered with your grow, knows about it, and would possibly be back to take it from you come harvest time. You wouldn't know what the true intentions were, you just know somebody else was there...
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    What would you do???? Found the mutha load on walk

    Odds are the grower would not abandon it if his plants are as large as you say.... maybe leave it for a while til the heat cools down, but it is in his interest to go back to it more than it is yours. He would also not appreciate you smoking with him or communicating what-so-ever with him -...
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    My idea for a super stealthy guerilla grow for next season... opinions?

    In my opinion building a platform doesn't amount to a super stealthy grow. You'd probably be better off finding a diff location all together if you had to do that... it sounds like a lot of work that might also make it more identifiable. You're positive you have no other places to grow?
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    my kid dumped out all my nutes

    I did read the original post, it didn't mention the laundry detergent. I did however read that post later on. He also dumped out shampoo, water, etc.... the thing is we don't know the complete scenario's, which I am inclined to learn before I take the moral high ground on most issues. Now...
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    my kid dumped out all my nutes

    I mean the whole concept of this thread is lame, from beginning to end. It seemingly had no point to it except to invite people to tell him he's a bad parent... even from other people growing it illegally indoors risking their child being taken away from them if they get caught.... and yes...
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    my kid dumped out all my nutes

    This thread is lame. Who would have thought Parenting 101 would be taught on a forum by a bunch of stoners and growers. Not going to diss the guy, accidents happen, but what discussion did you think would result from posting this story on the internet?
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    Home Self-Defense

    Guns are what give marijuana growers a bad name IMO - people get word that somebody was shot at a marijuana grow then that gives cops more funding/reason to bust future ones of varying size. I like to believe there are non-fatal solutions to lifes problems.... and I agree with the dude who said...
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    My First Outdoor Grow

    Really like your set-up, beautiful yard you have for it!
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    Germinating with the damp paper towel method is a good way to get them started. Moisten a papertowel or 2, set the seeds in between them and place in a plastic bag to set for a couple days... I set mine in a drawer and it worked great for me. Good starter soil will have no fertilizer added...
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    Outdoor auto's rock!!

    How long did you have it under lights indoors for? Just curious as mine is a couple days old and have had it under lights, but just brought it out for some fresh air today. Should I just keep it out there now? It still has the cotyledons and the first set of leaves are basically just as large...
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    What is this drooping from!?

    Compared to some of mine that does not appear to be really droopy to me. As others have suggested it may be over-watering.
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    Outdoor auto's rock!!

    Was your plant outside the whole time, or do you take yours inside and put them under lights as well? Just asking because I am interested in trying an outdoor auto but not sure if I should bother putting it under lights at night.... Looks nice though!
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    Question for Exp. Outdoor Growers. A Couple of 's?

    Just a side-note to you guys, I took my plants outside for most of the day and when I brought them back in I noticed they had spider mites. Luckily I bought some insecticidal soap recently so I was prepared to eliminate them before they get too bad. Just warning ya though, inspect your plants...
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    Just did my first feeding. Input please.

    Yes, don't panic. The plants will tell your if you're hurting them.... droopy leaves may just have been over watering? I over-watered one of mine and it took a couple days to come back and it also stunted its growth compared to the rest. Have no fears! Deal with the problems as you see them...
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    corn field grow

    I would be cautious about growing in corn fields.... cops are notorious for using choppers to search them for marijuana. Think about how easy it is to spot something that looks out of place in a giant uniform field - especially if you have to clear a sizable area for it. You get a couple of...
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    Can MJ Grow Somewhere With No Rain?

    Sorry if my last post seemed a little rude, but I just didn't really understand why you would ask if a plant can be grown in a spot with no water and no maintenance when you know that plants need it. If you want someone else to water it find a maintained park or something and see if they...
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    Can MJ Grow Somewhere With No Rain?

    But the thing about your actions is the cops have press releases to make those look bad... and say "We just got $x off the streets!" making people think there was some criminal activity. Honestly, I think the way that marijuana attitudes will change is through the medical process. People spend...
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    Can MJ Grow Somewhere With No Rain?

    Sticking a plant in public could also be a social service... giving away free marijuana! I agree with LBH though, communication is key. You can't expect to win over opinions just by growing a plant, you must communicate the ideas. Cops are more than willing to use your plant as a reason why...
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    Can MJ Grow Somewhere With No Rain?

    IMO anyone growing for personal use is on the right track towards changing opinions. It's a shame you can't grow it with your tomatoes though! You seem to be taking the "If it grows, it grows" attitude towards gardening though.... and if you want rewards you often have to work for them...