Ok so I've ordered my seeds, on their way should just be a few days, now this is my first time ever trying to do this, id like to get into growing more as a hobbie and because I hear its a very rewarding.feeling. I want to do it right, right from the get go, I will be growing outdoors, I don't have the space nor privacy to grow inside, so I'm hoping for someone to at least start me in the right direction so I can get it down and maybe one day be giving someone advice another time through experience. I ordered, KC Brains KC36 Reg Seeds Per Pack - 10 Seeds and I received a UFO#1 Dinafem Seeds Industrial Plant seed for free from the attitude, i ordered the kc36 because it sounded ideal and was inexpensive for 10 seeds. Im mainly looking for how to start them out when they get here, also what soil should I use, will miraclegro poting mix work?someone help please.:) also I am on a budget :roll: so I'm wondering if it is at all possible to take well care of them without spending money, side from soil and seeds


Well-Known Member
You can't start plants out in miracle grow. The nutrients in the mix will burn them. Start them in a seedling starter soil, with no nutrients. Then you can put them in miracle grow. You won't need any nutrients until about august if you do decide to go with miracle grow. Dig a hole, and fill with soil 2X2 works. And you won't be dissappointed.
Ok so what soil would be seedling starter soil, and 2x2 you mean a 2foot by 2foot fill in, also I just put the seed in about a 1/4 inch down and lightly water or what?


Germinating with the damp paper towel method is a good way to get them started. Moisten a papertowel or 2, set the seeds in between them and place in a plastic bag to set for a couple days... I set mine in a drawer and it worked great for me.

Good starter soil will have no fertilizer added... as others have mentioned it is too much for your new plants to handle. You can find good soil mixes at Walmart, garden centres, or other stores. Usually they have a mix of peat moss, compost, fill material, etc. just make sure it doesn't include the fert. Buy your own fertilizer to add when its time, much easier to control that way anyways.

You may want to consider pests depending on where you're growing, especially if you're starting them outside. Everything from slugs to rabbit and deer will love your little babies!

There is a lot of info here for new growers, seek and ye shall find!
Thanks a lot guys for the input, I went and bought a bunch of unfertilized soil and my own ferts, they're miraclegro I hope thats alright, also I picked up a bag of horse and cow manure fertilizer stuff cus it sounded good at the time. All stuff is organic I believe.

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
OK here is how i would start them. Put them in s cup. not a clear cup of water. Wait for the white root to sprout. Get some quality ORGANIC potting soil and start them in a small container with holes.

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
Germinating with the damp paper towel method is a good way to get them started. Moisten a papertowel or 2, set the seeds in between them and place in a plastic bag to set for a couple days... I set mine in a drawer and it worked great for me.

Good starter soil will have no fertilizer added... as others have mentioned it is too much for your new plants to handle. You can find good soil mixes at Walmart, garden centres, or other stores. Usually they have a mix of peat moss, compost, fill material, etc. just make sure it doesn't include the fert. Buy your own fertilizer to add when its time, much easier to control that way anyways.

You may want to consider pests depending on where you're growing, especially if you're starting them outside. Everything from slugs to rabbit and deer will love your little babies!

There is a lot of info here for new growers, seek and ye shall find!

I would use a cup of water not a paper towel. I have seen a tone of people posting using a paper towel but the main tap root actually has microscopic roots that grow off of the main one and when it is germinated in the paper towel, you actually rip them when you are pulling the towel a part.

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
I use reverse osmosis water and coco grow in a small container when i first start my seeds. It has no nutrients. Then i move to a potting soil and slowly work into a super soil when they get big enough