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  1. Fred West

    GH Exodus Cheese

    Dinafem Cheese and cheese candy are the most like*original cheese cut i have found available with the old school cheesy flavor.. enjoy :)*
  2. Fred West

    first time grow with nft system

    cheers chap.. gotta say that is only one plant and its bloody massive. it seams to have split into two plants one with two main stems grafted together and the cola is just huge. cant wait to see how much this thing yields.
  3. Fred West

    first time grow with nft system

    Just coming to the end of my first grow and propper chuffed with myself. I started with seeds from attitude seedbank and the strain is Kong by holy smoke seeds and this thing just took off, used canna vega and flores with rhysotonic and canazyme with a booster from ecolizer "bloom up". i am...
  4. Fred West

    roots have grown into the tank is this causing leaf curl?

    no i am using a small gt250 nft table and yes the tank is aerated. I shall get the roots out asap because i realy cant think what else could be causing this leaf curling issue? Cheers for the reply r1tony
  5. Fred West

    roots have grown into the tank is this causing leaf curl?

    good ole fred loved nothing better than to spend time digging around in his garden. Isuppose like you he had nothing other than violent thoughts to keep him going.. oh dear lets hope they dont find body parts walled up in ya grow room.. mr unlucky could be your epitaph!!
  6. Fred West

    leaves curling under

    Did the flush and light spacing help you sort this issue out as i am starting to show the same signs but not as bad yet?
  7. Fred West

    roots have grown into the tank is this causing leaf curl?

    Sorry Judging by your lack of brain power i better explain: A pseudonym (literally, "false name") is a name that a person (or, sometimes, a group) assumes for a particular purpose and that differs from his or her original ... .....................................................the penny...
  8. Fred West

    roots have grown into the tank is this causing leaf curl?

    well constructive input is needed not retarded comments on an obvious pseudonym... Stop smoking if its messing up ya brain!!
  9. Fred West

    roots have grown into the tank is this causing leaf curl?

    I have noticed my plant curling under at the tips with no yellowing and cheaked everything i.e PH, Tried lowering and raising the nute leval, temps and all seam fine the only thing i can think is the roots that have grown into the tank and fully submurged are giving the plant to much water thus...
  10. Fred West

    aqua flores ec going up...

    Hi everyone Just a quick question on nutrients. I am using canna aqua and in the second week of flowering and noticing my ec reading going up slightly and i have noticed some of the leafs curling under? i am using 50ml boost, 10ml rhysotonic and after mixing 59ml per 20l of A and B its coming...
  11. Fred West

    600w hps 1 plant grow

    hear you go guys a picture of the thunderbud under the 600w hps cooltube.
  12. Fred West

    600w hps 1 plant grow

    well she certainly is looking mighty fine and to be honest she fits into the grow space perfectly so i think i shall stick with this method for now and maybe experiment with the sog some after i have given this one the chop :) Can anyone recommend any good strains of indica for this sog...
  13. Fred West

    600w hps 1 plant grow

    righ its my first grow and i am using a gt250 nft table with one holy smoke thunderbud indica/sativa strain plant that has been grown from seed and vegged under a 600w mh untill showing its female pre flowers so fully mature and its now under a 600w hps and flowering nicely using canna aqua...
  14. Fred West

    Watering Schedule for X-stream

    Does anybody have any useful information or optimum watering schedule for my 1 week old seedlings in rockwool starter plugs in my new x-stream propogator as i have never used one of these before? I have a nutriant soloution of 18ml canna aqua and 20ml rhyisotonic mix in 10 litres of 5.8 ph...
  15. Fred West

    Help Starting Seeds In Rockwool

    I did have six seeds sprout on me under two nice purple 24w flouros and just gave then correct ph water for first week like people keep saying "no nutes"...thats a load of bull there is no nutriant in the rockwool starter blocks and there is just about enough the the seed to make it crack and...
  16. Fred West

    When To Uprate The Lights Media And Start Nuts?

    Nice one Woody thanks for the input.. Just ordered some more seeds to get on the go and with these i am thinking more airflow as the first lot seam to be growing rather slow, they are three weeks old, just getting small second leafs and just under two inches tall? with regards watering how much...
  17. Fred West

    First time grower starting with a nice little 8ft NFT system with 2400w hps light setup for...

    First time grower starting with a nice little 8ft NFT system with 2400w hps light setup for flower and a 10" intake and sock with a nice carbon filter extract. looks like i may need to spend some time trawling this site for all your helpfull hint and tips. looking forward to getting stuck in..:)
  18. Fred West

    When To Uprate The Lights Media And Start Nuts?

    Another newbee with a couple of small questions. I have three two week old seedlings that i want to grow into mother plants in small rockwool cubes under a couple of blue spec propogation bulbs and need some info regarding when to give them more light and what type and what is the best media to...