When To Uprate The Lights Media And Start Nuts?

Fred West

Another newbee with a couple of small questions. I have three two week old seedlings that i want to grow into mother plants in small rockwool cubes under a couple of blue spec propogation bulbs and need some info regarding when to give them more light and what type and what is the best media to keep them in?
i have a 150w cfl and refletor and was wondering if to just use that along side the flouresants also i am wondering when is best to give em a little cana rhyisotoinc?


Active Member
As a general rule, in veg, plants need a min of 3,000 lumens per sq ft (more is better) of canopy of blue spectrum (6500k). So, as your plants grow, give them more light and only you can decide when since you know how big they are. You can put them under the 150 now, just place your hand above the plants and adjust the light so it is slightly warm but not hot on the back of your hand, they should be ok. What media depends on how you want to keep them long term. For mothers, I prefer a dripper system with clay pellets because DWC bubblers grow too fast for mothers IMO. I am a huge hydro guy though so am biased that way. You could use soil or coco but I always feel once you use either of those, you loose a bit of flexibility. Use the Rhiso when you repot, making sure it goes directly onto the roots. Make sure you read the instructions on the canna website. Green mojo on its way. W

Fred West

Nice one Woody thanks for the input.. Just ordered some more seeds to get on the go and with these i am thinking more airflow as the first lot seam to be growing rather slow, they are three weeks old, just getting small second leafs and just under two inches tall? with regards watering how much and when is a good guidline for these little ones?

Thanks Again chap :)