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    Too late to plant?

    Il just give it a miss, Plant after the winter! Hope this plant recovers, but i doubt it will!
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    Too late to plant?

    Basically.. I had a healthy plant but slugs basically ate the WHOLE thing!! Just wondering if its too late to buy another seed now and get a little harvest in a few weeks time (One seed says you can harvest after 60 days) Or will i just have to wait til after the winter now? (Im from North...
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    Yoo From England!

    Haha, Not when slugs eat your plant litrally whole :(
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    Yoo From England!

    But i dont even have a leaf left.. theyv absolutly demolished it! Proper gutted!
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    Really? :O Iv got loads of copper wire in the garage, Could wrap it around the pot loads of times? And someone mentioned the salt trick so i put loads of salt on the ground around the pot! Will the plant recover? Or is it doom'd! They basically ate 3 or 4 whole leaves! Only got the newly...
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    Last night they basically ate my plant.. :| What do i do? :(
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    Yoo From England!

    Fucking slugs have like eaten half my plant :|
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    Yoo From England!

    100% sure my plants female... But shes still the same size! Shes hardly growing :(
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    Yoo From England!

    Good stuff sammy pal! Pitty i crnt have a grow box! Iv gota stick with the shitty english weather!
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    Yoo From England!

    Day 24. (Maybe 25 xD) The Cotyledons? Are turning yellow and slowly dieing.. Started to panic at 1st, But i tried to read up on it and as far as im aware this is normal! The other day she started to grow little leaves off the stem where the branches were! Wondering if theres any signs of...
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    ^ Thats like a good 5/6 times bigger than my plant! And Im a week ahead of you! :(
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    Yoo From England!

    Im not a 12/12 yet! Thought she needed to be much bigger? But each day she prob gets about.. oftt! Id say about 17ish hours of light a day! Only used nutes 1nce! But i dont think i used enough haha!
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    Yoo From England!

    Day 23 Little bit of growth on the new devloping leaves... But not much growth!
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    outdoor automatic!its healthy??

    Geez! Thats 1 month old? Mines about 3weeks and about 1/3rd your size! Nice plant man!
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    I just used the spoon that came with the nutes! My watering can has a number 6 on it? That mean its a 6 Gallon? & i think i used like 4ml of the stuff! Which was around 1/4 of the recomended dose!
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    Yoo From England!

    Mean just like a tray of Nutes? I dont have any nitrogen mix haha
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    Yoo From England!

    Day 22. Just wish shed pick up her growing speed haha!
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    Yoo From England!

    Shes looking big now sam! Keep it up lad!
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    22 Days old.. Talking about 11cm's from Soil to top of plant! 3 days since she got Transplanted.. Gone from... to.. Comparing the 2 i was actually shocked, Personally didnt think she'd grown much, But i guess i was wrong.. Actually looks like shes grown :O Maybe im just expecting too...