

Well-Known Member
The problem with slugs is that they destroy the roots as well as the leaves. According to Jorge Cervantes, one measure you can do to prevent slugs from your grow is to place a salty beach sand around your garden, 2-6 inches wide to prevent them from passing.

Some things he recommends doing is to place a board in the garden which they will seek refuge under. Pick up the board and kill them. You can also buy bait at your grow shop or garden center and make a slug hotel out of a covered plastic container. Cut a hole 1x2" in the container and place the bait in the container.

You may want to replant at this point since your grow is so young. I would start with a new pot and some good soil, not from the ground. Then place the sand around the perimeter of your pot to prevent any slugs returning. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Raise them out of the path of slugs put some larger or beer in a small tub near the plants the slugs will make a bee line for this


wrap copper tape or wire around stocks slugs can not cross over it
Really? :O

Iv got loads of copper wire in the garage, Could wrap it around the pot loads of times?

And someone mentioned the salt trick so i put loads of salt on the ground around the pot! Will the plant recover? Or is it doom'd! They basically ate 3 or 4 whole leaves! Only got the newly forming leaves on top left :( All happened overnight too!! grrr!

& Heard about the beer thingy! Gonna have a bottle of beer with a little left in a few feet away from the plant! And every slug i see now im actually going to kill! Vile creatures!
Careful adding salt on top of the soil, it can/will be drained into it and absorbed as nutrient...possibly causing lockout?
The copper wire loads of times sounds like a superb idea!
Theres not too many slugs here except in the winter, i've got caterpillars right now. i'm sorry for your loss =[


Well-Known Member
The copper wire works really well, it gives them an electric shock when they touch it due to a chemical reaction with their slime ;-) I would wrap it around your pots a few times though as the odd slug will think it's Rambo and will try to cross it quickly.

Good luck townlad...
I have snails all the time in front of my house. If you want to see a lot of dead snails overnight just put a pie tin or something similar out and pour a beer in it. They go straight for it, get drunk and drown in it.