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  1. Thrall

    Made a mistake with my timer twice now

    Yeah these guys are covered in bud, there are hardly any leaves, it's pretty much just bud. And even though they're so far along, they can still develop pollen sacs? And yes I did notice some new pistils on one of the plants.
  2. Thrall

    Made a mistake with my timer twice now

    Yeah I definitely will, I was terrified when I came back and the lights were on during the time they should be off. Also, the lights are on from midnight to noon, sometimes I check on them in the day time and turn the lights on for about 5-10 minutes, can this interruption in their sleep affect...
  3. Thrall

    Made a mistake with my timer twice now

    I set my timer to auto but it can also be set to either on or off. About a month ago, I went out of town for two days, came back and realized that my timer was set to ON instead of AUTO, thus my plants, which are about 2 weeks from harvest now, recieved around 36 hours of constant light when...
  4. Thrall

    Is my fan too weak or is my carbon filter packed too tight?

    Hi there, I recently built a stealth grow box and I've created an exhaust fan in the upper left corner of the box, pictured here: The fan is screwed onto that grate, the grate is full of active carbon and closed with a cap on the otherside which is also a similar grate. However I don't feel...
  5. Thrall

    Quick question about the box I am growing in.

    Well what exactly is going to be difficult about doing DWC? I'm probably going to make a reservoir out of a Tupperware and start small with 2 plants. The tupperware will be no bigger than 4 or 5 inches, and as the plants grow I was going to bend and tie them down so they stay bushy. I'm not sure...
  6. Thrall

    Quick question about the box I am growing in.

    A scrog would basically be a net that I would probably put halfway up in my box right? Would this keep it from growing too high and touching the lights? I myself was thinking about just doing some LST with it and only using 2 MAYBE 3 plants. I appreciate your concerns on temperature, what...
  7. Thrall

    Quick question about the box I am growing in.

    This is the box I'm going to grow in, I've already built it but it's buried in my closet right now as part of a stealth grow op: Anyways, I still have to make some modifications to it as it's not even close to being ready. My question is, whether or not I decide to use Soil...
  8. Thrall

    Please help me put the finishing touches on my Grow Box! (Stealth/DWC Hydroponics)

    Also, I meant to ask, how many lights should I start with for two plants? I already purchased something that will hold 8 lights. Is that overkill?
  9. Thrall

    Please help me put the finishing touches on my Grow Box! (Stealth/DWC Hydroponics)

    Alright guys, I've been doing some research lately and I've decided to go through with my stealth grow. I've constructed a box that is represented here in a drawing: I drew a picture because I feel this would make it easier to see all of the specs. Plus it's currently buried in my...
  10. Thrall

    How long can I keep clones as short as they are when I clip them?

    And doing this would be the same as taking all females from a mother plant? Such as taking 6 clones from my strongest plant that is say 8-10 weeks old, then growing those clones and when they are almost ready to flower, choosing the strongest one from that batch, and taking 6 new clones from...
  11. Thrall

    How long can I keep clones as short as they are when I clip them?

    Here are some HIGH DEF pictures of what I'm going to do. There is alot of detail there, so really examine these for me. Will this idea work?
  12. Thrall

    How long can I keep clones as short as they are when I clip them?

    I want to grow without a mother plant. Basically, I am doing a stealth grow in my closet, and I want to take a few clones from my strongest female plant and store them. I plan on making a small box to store the clones in (hydroponically) on top of my grow box. Anyways, if I take about 4-6...
  13. Thrall

    THE LOWRYDER DELUXE Grow Box - has anyone every used this?

    I am wondering this too. Can anyone shed some light? It seems that the website does not have any customer reviews or a forum...
  14. Thrall

    Before I invest in my first grow, tell me what you think of my stealth plan.

    I've lived with 3 other girlfriends and it destroyed the relationship. I think maybe it's something we were to young to handle but I've never taken a relationship this slow and its going great.
  15. Thrall

    Before I invest in my first grow, tell me what you think of my stealth plan.

    Ok so no one knows about where it will be hidden, I think my room mate had the impression I was just going to grow a plant and keep it behind my TV or something like a dumbass, but anyways I told him I was getting scared when I read articles about weed busts happening throughout NC and I was...
  16. Thrall

    Before I invest in my first grow, tell me what you think of my stealth plan.

    I've heard great things about growing shrooms! However I feel like being involved in the production of more than one drug could lead into other shit like pills and what not. Not to mention I'd hate to get busted as an entrepreneur. But when I lived out in Seattle I did shrooms a few times. Most...
  17. Thrall

    Before I invest in my first grow, tell me what you think of my stealth plan.

    He's just always been really judgmental. Growing up together we had alot of mutual friends who me and coolbro are still friends with but sternbro doesn't even talk to. I just feel like the dudes head would explode. There is no way in hell he would want to make money doing this. If it was anyone...
  18. Thrall

    Before I invest in my first grow, tell me what you think of my stealth plan.

    I completely understand, but whatever I produce and decide to part with will be only with people that I trust, and aside from that I don't smoke much myself so I don't think I put off the vibe that I'm even in that type of crowd. And to Xcon, no worries man. I think all the scare tactics might...
  19. Thrall

    Before I invest in my first grow, tell me what you think of my stealth plan.

    I don't mean to sound so excited and impulsive, I am going about this a lot more carefully than it seems.
  20. Thrall

    Before I invest in my first grow, tell me what you think of my stealth plan.

    Yeah but honestly me and him both came up with the idea. I need money, needs weed. Plus I can't find anyone worth a shit that I can trust to get it anyways. He's a cool cat and we've known each other forever, I've always thought of him kind of as my brother too and I don't ever see any kind of...