Made a mistake with my timer twice now


I set my timer to auto but it can also be set to either on or off.

About a month ago, I went out of town for two days, came back and realized that my timer was set to ON instead of AUTO, thus my plants, which are about 2 weeks from harvest now, recieved around 36 hours of constant light when they were on a regimented 12/12.

Then, I went out of town AGAIN, and this time set it to off. They got about 2 days of constant darkness.

I sampled them after about 3 days and they are still dank as hell. However I'm noticing that on the colas there seems to be depleting resin. They are not nearly as coated with trichs as the lower buds.

Also, I'm not seeing any of the white pistils turn brown anymore. It might just be because im freaking out over over and under lighting my plants.

They are two plants, both using miracle grow (its my first grow, its stealth too, I work full time. Im moving on to fox farms soil and nutes on my next grow, so please no comments on my current soil choice) and they've taken a long time to come to harvest as I did not know much when I first started.

What could possibly happen from what I've done?


Well-Known Member
They could freak out and grow balls but I think the dark would probably just send deeper into flower mode.
I would be more careful in the future but I don`t have to tell you that I`m sure. Good luck


Yeah I definitely will, I was terrified when I came back and the lights were on during the time they should be off.

Also, the lights are on from midnight to noon, sometimes I check on them in the day time and turn the lights on for about 5-10 minutes, can this interruption in their sleep affect them at all?


Well-Known Member
The fast answer is yes. But its debatable as to how badly. I would invest in a safety lamp. I bought a green led headlamp
for around 12 bucks. 30ish gets you a regular bulb you can screw into a regular fixture.


Well-Known Member
Are they a long way into flowering? if so it wont do much, can upset early flowering tho. How did you fuck up something twice? AUTO ok AUTO.


Well-Known Member
You will see a delay in flowering for about a week. You will see new pistil growth which will cause you to have to flower a bit longer. You might also notice a few male pollen sacs pop doesnt take much. My timer got bumped and the light came on in the middle of the dark period for 30 minutes. One of my plants started showing male pollen sacs 3 days later. it all depends on how resilient the strain is against stress. If its a easily stressed strain it has a way higher chance of turning hermie.


Yeah these guys are covered in bud, there are hardly any leaves, it's pretty much just bud. And even though they're so far along, they can still develop pollen sacs? And yes I did notice some new pistils on one of the plants.