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  1. M

    1 Month Old Male or Female?

    WHat do you mean cowboy? >.>
  2. M

    1 Month Old Male or Female?

    Believe me I read alot. Next time this isn't going to happen. Those seeds were garbage Im not gonna use seeds anymore. Screw that. Thanks everyone and BKBUDZ nice plant bro. Now time to relax. Sit back and smoke a J. =] This CFL is not that important anyways more like a test of all things...
  3. M

    1 Month Old Male or Female?

    Yeah its pretty shitty. Didn't even notice plus towards the end I just cut the lights off out early on it thats another reason. Why it took so long I don't know lol. Plus i DONT have 400w of mh or hps. not till i gets a job but anyways. Thanks for the help people better luck next time. This grow...
  4. M

    1 Month Old Male or Female?

    Well.. Ever since it sprouted it been weird like that.. So take a look at the new pictures. Nonethelesss Its a weird lookin plant lmao. gotta admit but its always been lookin Low like that.. If you seen it and held it you'd be like hmm.. weird lol. Because the stem is pretty tough..Leafs are...
  5. M

    1 Month Old Male or Female?

    Lol its slowed maybe a little only because i got the sex first, Its one month from seed so even seedling stage not One complete month of vegging lol. Maybe you're right im pretty sure its not stressed. Because even the first of weeks it grew like that.. The Light Setup of the CFLs and the grow...
  6. M

    1 Month Old Male or Female?

    It's not stressed. Lol its kinda my technique of growing i guess you could say? It's def not under stress considering it showed the sex. Its probably been shown it for about a week or two now I just never looked. Its not stressed its just the light is everywhere. So yeah not stressed but sadly i...
  7. M

    1 Month Old Male or Female?

    Very much looks like a frickin male. looks like its time to crap can it. SHIT CAN IT HEHE Anyways this picture shows the sex i think there balls? So I think its male just want to make sure. =] Very nice little one too :leaf::leaf:
  8. M

    plants vegging on a 16-8

    It's alright.. Mite take a little shock but I highly doubt it just don't let it happen often. I know someone who's been off for a day or 2 and was good. Goodluck :leaf:
  9. M

    Here to comfirm a few things :) LST, TOPPING POT SIZE

    First page for picture
  10. M

    Here to comfirm a few things :) LST, TOPPING POT SIZE

    Well there we go helpful people. I'm really sorry for getting an attitude with people on here. I really wouldn't wanna do that wish bad luck upon myself which I don't need I would love to show you my seedling if you guys would like too see? Thanks Indicator and anyone else who posted here. Oh...
  11. M

    Here to comfirm a few things :) LST, TOPPING POT SIZE

    Post is done with. They really weren't trying to help at all lol Truth. Well sorry for all this crap :S really wasn't suppose to turn into a useless argument. I really don't understand why you had a hard time understanding it All i asked was.. What size pot works best for small areas/LST to...
  12. M

    Here to comfirm a few things :) LST, TOPPING POT SIZE

    -Sorry for the confusion I really should have taken my time on this post. I know what I need to know. Here is my 6 day old seedling. It is doing well I think the first set of leafs look funny but I think that's because of the light being good. Not sure I don't see any bugs
  13. M

    I know where giant pot trees are, 15-20 feet high

    SO its been growing for 80 years >.>? If that's true the trichromes/thc levels die out if left for so long lol but that would be weird then again im stoned lmao idk what im daying
  14. M

    Where to get a cheap HPS Ballast/Light..

    Yea ill keep an eye out on CL
  15. M

    Where to get a cheap HPS Ballast/Light..

    Anyone know where to get a cheap one? 50-100bucks lol ive seen a ballast i can get for like 60 bucks then buy the bulb which is 80 dollars total? but ive looked on ebay way exspesive.. craigslist no go..really >.> so yeah 400watts or even 250 i am looking for
  16. M

    Questions please help.

    I understand but.. If i buy cfls does 5000k work for flowering??
  17. M

    Questions please help.

    I know im pretty newbie ill look into more of this.. Plus i got a couple of days Shit why not use them there so cheap i was looking into buying a HPS but why do that atm when im a newb. If i feel like i need to go more advanced after my first grow aye. I will then =] I might do hydro or dirt...
  18. M

    Questions please help.

    Okay so i wanna know if maybe 400watts of cfls will work good enough for some like 4 plants? 100 watts per plant.. Oh can i use a smaller container to make a hydro system and is there any ways i can make those baskets outta something? So i have fish pumps and tubing just need a container and...