1 Month Old Male or Female?


Well-Known Member
WHat do you mean cowboy? >.>
Wasnt referring too you, bks post should have been above it. Please share with us bk how you took me too school? You have stated it a few times now and have yet to explain. And the pic of 'your' plant. Shows up in other forums, google is such a great thing......and you were correct Madden in your PM, weird little dude........


New Member
Wasnt referring too you, bks post should have been above it. Please share with us bk how you took me too school? You have stated it a few times now and have yet to explain. And the pic of 'your' plant. Shows up in other forums, google is such a great thing......
Uh huh...Prove it...post the links besides the ones you post yourself to prove yourself right in an insane attempt to show who is the liar here.


New Member
I have only been actively posting on RIU 1 month and a couple of days...you have been here almost 3 years. I have 460+ likes you have about 150, I have 56+ friends you have zip. https://www.rollitup.org/members/cowboylogic-120339.html I have newbies seek me out to ask questions and if I don't know the answers I point them in the right direction. You see a constructive reply and attack it but never offer any thing better. Face it you are a miserable troll who cannot be happy unless you are making others miserable as well.


New Member
To madden: I am very sorry your thread got jacked by this crap and I will no longer reply to his ranting.


Weed Modifier
^^^I just love how someone that does not, or ever has, grown Mj is passing out advice.^^^
Wasnt referring too you, bks post should have been above it. And the pic of 'your' plant. Shows up in other forums, google is such a great thing......and you were correct Madden in your PM, weird little dude........
who has never grown mj? im confused by the comment.
he was referring to bkb and his plant.... basically putting bkb down :( saying that it wasn't bkb's plant. why? idk


New Member
who has never grown mj? im confused by the comment.
Unfortunately I have had a childish ugly back and fourth going with this troll for a few days. I would love it too go away. But he continues to try to push my buttons. I try to turn the other cheek. But, I only have 4 of them and 2 he ain't getting nowhere near,LOL! I posted a pic of 1 of my plants the same age as the OP to give him a comparrison. The troll is claiming that is not my plant and that I have never grown MJ at all. He says he has seen the same pic on many other forums. Well here is my reply...Picture 027.jpg


New Member
who has never grown mj? im confused by the comment.
As you are a moderator, please feel free to delete any offensive posts I may have let my lack of patience post. I do not wish to be known as a thread jacking jerk. I love helping newbies, that is what I am all about. Not bickering with an immature troll.


Well-Known Member
i wont comment on your dispute other than to say cowboy logic should not have posted that just because you have a previous conflict, even if he were to be right. he should know that being here as long as he has. but i love the pic. made me laugh like hell. lol


New Member
To me, it looks like what a plant would look like if it was re-vegged. The stem is thick, the leaves look like abnormal growth, yet it's short as shit.

I know some of my plants in the past, after a month, the stem wasn't that developed with the trunk peeling skin. just sayin. Is that one month from veg? Something fishy here.:confused:

You're right, it does look like a re-vegged plant, but maybe it's just a runt? Good call on the observation though.


Active Member
Unfortunately I have had a childish ugly back and fourth going with this troll for a few days. I would love it too go away. But he continues to try to push my buttons. I try to turn the other cheek. But, I only have 4 of them and 2 he ain't getting nowhere near,LOL! I posted a pic of 1 of my plants the same age as the OP to give him a comparrison. The troll is claiming that is not my plant and that I have never grown MJ at all. He says he has seen the same pic on many other forums. Well here is my reply...View attachment 1976805

Hey you stole my pic, you bastard.....lol :lol:


Weed Modifier
Yeah its pretty shitty. Didn't even notice plus towards the end I just cut the lights off out early on it thats another reason. Why it took so long I don't know lol. Plus i DONT have 400w of mh or hps. not till i gets a job but anyways. Thanks for the help people better luck next time. This grow OFFICIALLY went down the tubes big time.

Will start seeds tomarrow keep ya peoples updated.

It was fricking weird since it popped so I think its just retarded :S makes me look horriable. HERE i thought this thing was doing great and its fricking way way behind? Like uhh wrong lol

Also What my plan was to do..

200w of cfl..

I kept the light close as ever. Mylar close as can get so its reflecting super good.. (Which is why i thought the plant looked the way it did with the leafs because it was so reflective...) Understand were i come from that? lol. SO it kept is small as what i thought

I knew it wouldn't go good either because I know I need to start more seeds Just wanted to see how this one would turn out.
well be sure to come back here and post a link to new thread once its up, so that we can follow you from the beginning next time, and we will try to help in any way we can so that hopefully this will not happen again. live and learn.

. peace bro... and don't hesitate to ask any questions about anything! anytime! ....that's what we are all here to do.