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  1. R

    can you get a pound a plant

    Im kinda new at this but.....probably an outdoor one lol
  2. R

    Lowryder help

    I killed 2 males after identifying them(day 13)....i doubt they could have released pollen, however about a month previous i grew out a lowryder male in a box with a couple cfls, it stretched really bad and didnt look like it released any pollen...i was trying to get pollen for seed anyways...
  3. R

    Lowryder help

    mr. west, thank you!
  4. R

    Lowryder help

    Thanks for the responces so far! I guess what I really need to know is if the light change could have stressed them into acting like a normal plant?
  5. R

    Lowryder help

  6. R

    Lowryder help

    They are both females , with some flowering on the top and branches...its just half way down its basiclly bare exept for the single pistils with brown hairs.Its not hermed or anything....yet lol...... and just to clarify the flowers on the tops and branches are still very young small with white...
  7. R

    Lowryder help

    Hello RIU! since this is my first post id like to say thank you for all the helpfull info! Back to my question. lets say i had 2 lowryders:mrgreen: and had them on a 12/12 light cycle for about the first month of their life,then,switched to a 18/6 cycle....could this revert them back to veg...