Lowryder help


Active Member
Hello RIU! since this is my first post id like to say thank you for all the helpfull info!

Back to my question. lets say i had 2 lowryders:mrgreen: and had them on a 12/12 light cycle for about the first month of their life,then,switched to a 18/6 cycle....could this revert them back to veg? or I guess to a veg state since aparently they dont have one correct? anyways its day 35 btw and its not like their 3 feet tall or anything . the biggest is about 19 inches with 4 huge "satallite" branches as i'v heard them called, then another is 18 inches with smaller branching...flowers are growing very slowly on both of these however they seem to get taller and taller. on the main stock of these two plants about half way down there are just single pistils? i think there called? with already brown hairs, does this mean there will be no more growth there?
sorry for the long post! but thank you in advance for your help!


Active Member
Hi ive not grown it... but know someone that has and they kept theres on 18/6 for the whole of the grow and it only took 2 months give or take a couple of days. I dont think his were much taller that a foot with one massive cola. He had a right tall one but it was a male. Have they got white pistals coming out of the internodes or do they look like little balls? also if the pistals are brown then i can only ashume they finished thats what i would think. Hope this helps. I expect someone that has grown them before could offer some different advice.

Floyd :joint:


Active Member
They are both females , with some flowering on the top and branches...its just half way down its basiclly bare exept for the single pistils with brown hairs.Its not hermed or anything....yet lol...... and just to clarify the flowers on the tops and branches are still very young small with white hairs.....I guess what I really need to know is if the light change could have stressed them into acting like a normal plant?


Active Member
Thanks for the responces so far! I guess what I really need to know is if the light change could have stressed them into acting like a normal plant?


Well-Known Member
i would be careful if i were you, if you stress the plants too much you may end up with a hermie... or two

mr west

Well-Known Member
i wouldnt worrie bout the brown hairs on the trunk, they will do that as the plant grows older the flowers should grow more as time goes on, your only bout half way throo so id chill and have a smoke lol.


Well-Known Member
Keep it on 18/6 from start to finish with lowryder. Hairs will turn dark if they have been pollinated. Did you have any males that released pollen? If so that may be why the pistols are turning dark. If that is the case then you will have some seeds for the next gorw.


Active Member
I killed 2 males after identifying them(day 13)....i doubt they could have released pollen, however about a month previous i grew out a lowryder male in a box with a couple cfls, it stretched really bad and didnt look like it released any pollen...i was trying to get pollen for seed anyways, could there be residual, viable pollen still in the room? also i found a single seed in my pakistan valley plant(turned out amazing btw) which i assumed came from that. the pakistan valley was the reason they were on 12/12 for that first month.