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  1. E

    Second grow: Cheap but a promising start

    bought some 5 gal airpots and im going super soil next grow. half finished (two plants left) 1 drying (first picture in this update).. fruity, personally never smelled anything like it before 1 curing (not pictured).. smells diesel
  2. E

    One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

    i like that you started tying down immediately. worst part about growing a scrog in other methods is waiting for the plant to reach the screen and then once it fills the screen the lower branches don't receive enough light to grow and it all has to be removed and it just feels like wasted grow...
  3. E

    Stoner Photography

    the bear thing is a puppy! the black and white black guy is an advertisement from something in a gas station i just couldn't let that face go unnoticed :-P the drawing was made in microsoft paint by a buddy of mine. and it is actually a picture of a computer screen. my first ever self made piece...
  4. E

    Give Her A Bone: Dry Ice

    it's like $1.20/lb at the grocery. if you're not wanting to buy an expensive setup for a CO2 tank. it could be placed directly into the grow area and allowed to sublimate at whatever rate. this way it would also probably affect temperature which might be good for some people if heat is a...
  5. E

    How long can I veg with preflowers?

    i'm under T5s as well and my timer crapped out for no more than a day. 3 of the 4 preflowered. 1, even when switched to 24/0 for two weeks and then 20/4, continued to flower for over a month and a half. could have been an autoflowering strain.. bag seed. but it's a pretty huge coincidence that...
  6. E

    Stoner Photography

    haha. here yuh go
  7. E

    RIP elliott smith

    "trying to occupy space, what a fucking joke." sends me into withdrawals, but the emotion in his music is so beautiful it is worth it aaand now i wanna get high :/
  8. E

    Second grow: Cheap but a promising start

    im pretty sure i got quite a bit o bud coming im excited. it took a mean minute to veg out this much and it might have been too much but they've been set at 12 since some time last week or maybe the weekend.
  9. E

    Second grow: Cheap but a promising start

    here it is. see what im dealing with.. one has some wilting still but it's been getting better and the other you can see the leaves have lighter edges, still.. it's too getting better. and i'm not sure but seams like the one just won't abandon it's flowers. anyone know how long that takes...
  10. E

    Second grow: Cheap but a promising start

    SinceLastTime 1. timer broke and lights unknowingly went out for.. who knows how long. 2. 2 maybe 3 (can't remember if i'm double counting) of the 4 showed female flowers. none showed male. 3. bought a new timer. i'm on 20/4 right now. was at 24/0 after the timer broke so i wouldn't have to...
  11. E

    Second grow: Cheap but a promising start

    From earlier tonight. One of each.
  12. E

    Second grow: Cheap but a promising start

    from two/three days ago
  13. E

    Second grow: Cheap but a promising start

    when you grow from seed, the plant grows straight up and leaves pop out of the top and alternate between say.. north and south to east and west and the plant just continues to grow like this. but branches also want to pop out of where the fan leaves originate. without adequate light these...
  14. E

    Second grow: Cheap but a promising start

    this update was taken from tonight about an hour ago with an enV 2. this is just after i added some wire to hold back the main stem. i decided not to do it the other day mainly because i was feeling lazy.
  15. E

    Second grow: Cheap but a promising start

    didn't transplant.. it was in a pot. but it was a rather small pot and was definitely root bound. think i planted it at the beginning of july and harvested a couple weeks before the end of october? idr. soil was just some stuff in the pot already. water was just tap.. i'm a "poor college...
  16. E

    Second grow: Cheap but a promising start

    it would be ideal. right now im lacking the space and the money. the best i can do i think is to pull cuttings before flowering so that i know i'll have females to work with rather than throwing out males and replacing them and doing 12/12 from seed constant. idk. i have been thinking about a...
  17. E

    Second grow: Cheap but a promising start

    this was the plant from my first grow. not a lot of bud. not very dense bud but i enjoyed the parenting. it was grown outside for most of its life then i had to move it around 3 weeks after the start of flowering and it only received light from two 13W CFLs. i still think it looks pretty.
  18. E

    Second grow: Cheap but a promising start

    i started some four seeds the other week. they finally are looking a bit more interesting so i thought i would post a picture of one of them before i bend them over for lst. they all pretty much look the same at this point so that's why i don't want to post pictures of all of them. this one is...
  19. E

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello. I grew a single lady last year just to test it out and I'm about to start a more legitimate grow here within a few days. I already know how I will do most everything so I'm not really here to ask questions. I'd say I've been reading about growing for around six years.. So, I plan on...
  20. E

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello, RIU. I grew a single plant indoors last year that happened to be a lady and I'm about to start a more legitimate grow here within a few days. I already know how I will do most everything so I'm not really here to ask questions; I've been reading about growing for around six years I'd...