RIP elliott smith


Well-Known Member
Idk if it has been posted here yet but elliot smith died friday, from the looks of it he might have offed himself with what looked to be a self inflicted knife wound. Loved his music he will be missed.

Vapor Nation

Well-Known Member
I really like the song Needle in the Hay that was featured in the film The Royal Tenenbaums. Besides that one song, I am largely unfamiliar with most of Elliott Smith's work. I do remember this story from back in the day... it may be old news, but it's good to never forget.


"trying to occupy space, what a fucking joke."
sends me into withdrawals, but the emotion in his music is so beautiful it is worth it
aaand now i wanna get high :/


Well-Known Member
I bought I CD of his after hearing "Son of Sam" and really liked the whole thing. That was pretty shortly before he died. had a piano based Beatle-ish sound


Well-Known Member
I can't believe in a community full of stoners that nobody has mentioned Elliott Smith since 2011, and even that is just a messed up announcement of his death!