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  1. C

    Truckers Penis

  2. C

    Prove to you There's a God?

    the chistian way....oh shit...its not going our way...get rid of it...hurry...make it go away...woo..hands clean again.
  3. C

    Prove to you There's a God?

    why should i bother proving and i both know that your religion was constructed and tweaked over many many years to keep people from proving him fake...but more and more evidence in our current modern society has many many things showing that god isnt real...and question...why are...
  4. C

    Prove to you There's a God?

    and this is the being you worship...the one who will kill off almost all of his creation...after giving them free will...and saying he loves us...*sniff sniff* something smells funny
  5. C

    Prove to you There's a God?

    no matter what proof you are given you will never stray from your beliefs...they have you so scared already that nothing will change that..and of course you're going to say its not fear...but deep down you nkow it is...or why waste the time trying to get into heaven if you wasnt afraid of going...
  6. C

    Yellowing leaves on orange bud plant 4 weeks onto flowering (first grow)

    he went off track for a get you to buy an in store product....most of those guys work on commission and will try to talk you into buying whatever they can push on you...when its obviously lacking food why would he tell you to flush it...because you have he wasnt going...
  7. C

    Prove to you There's a God?

    this coming from the person who copy and pasted his proof that jesus existed.
  8. C

    Prove to you There's a God?

    once again...quoting the bible like its say its a vicious circle...but its more a semi-retarded loop of confusion.
  9. C

    Yellowing leaves on orange bud plant 4 weeks onto flowering (first grow)

    not even close...those hydro store guys are good at getting people to buy useless products...surprised he didnt try pushing the entire AN line on you.
  10. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    awwww....still never heard him say his thats kinda a dead give away...see you in 2-3 years kiddo
  11. C

    Prove to you There's a God?

    i thought jesus was a camel jockey
  12. C

    Prove to you There's a God?

    going by this chart...the devil might seem like a better deal
  13. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    least i didnt say fuck.....ahhh fuck...i went and did it
  14. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    let me clean it up for the "nice police"....gee golly there little buddy...dont try talking your mom into letting you grow pot...its a bad idea and you want to remain an outstanding citizen of this great nation, right?
  15. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    39 and nothing better to do then argue with people over the internet? which is obvious what your trying to do is argue with me..what other reason would you have to back this kid up? why is it so important that i conjure up a new way to communicate just to suite your blunt and too the...
  16. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    i dont see calling someone ignorant an insult if they are in fact displaying ignorance...which is the only thing i said about him or his mother...and if your underage and trying to talk your mother into letting you grow some weed that she lets you smoke..then yeah thats ignorant...not meant as...
  17. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    now theres some tact for ya...waits for response....
  18. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    if she let you do it then no..not only would she lack common sense but would also be a bad parent. im not judging making observations of the material put in front of me and gave my opinion on those things.
  19. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    if your family had common sense...your mother would have your ass in school and not letting you smoke weed....end of that subject