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  1. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    common sense and logic=insults to underage trolls i take it?
  2. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    exactly...he is asking whether the risk is worth it...we tell him why it isnt and he contradicts us and then says "get off my dick,son"..when im probably old enough to be his daddy...hell i might even be.. i say let him grow...some people have to learn the hard way. why bother asking us if its...
  3. C

    Prove to you There's a God?

    damnnnnnnnn....OP just got berg-rolled.
  4. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    sure could.....and just like you...that will be the only part he notices...looking over the rest of the info i posted...yet again proving my point. and i think i have the right to call him and his mother ignorant if his own mother is letting her underage child smoke dope...i calls em hows i...
  5. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    you might want to do some research on that kiddo...not unless you can prove that the house,cars,electronics wasnt purchased with income from marijuana...and im guessing you nor your mother have the brains to do that or the money for a decent lawyer to do that (or you would be buying weed and not...
  6. C

    Prove to you There's a God?

    all questions can now be answered..i found jesus...he is locked in my trunk...let me see what he says..............well it turns out he isnt the real jesus...jesus is his name but he washes dishes at olive never mind....carry on
  7. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    im content with being a smartass...much better then being a dumbass
  8. C

    Is The Risk Worth It?

    why is anyone giving this "shit"head ideas on how to grow in his mommies house...obviously is underage...the whole "she allows me to smoke weed" statement should have told you that. before you get you and your mother both arrested..stop while your ahead and just take your allowance money and buy...
  9. C

    Prove to you There's a God?

    22 pages in 2 days? dont the 40 other threads with the same title cover this subject with the same 10 people giving the same lame responses....grow some dope and get over yourself...and your religion or lack there of.
  10. C

    Yellowing leaves on orange bud plant 4 weeks onto flowering (first grow)

    its lacking N...during the first few weeks of flower during its "stretch" they still need a balanced NPK ratio since its putting just as much energy into growing as it is budding. try adding in a 1/8th strength dose of grow nutes and see if it stops the yellowing...also check your ph...might be...
  11. C

    Am i norml??????

    wow...a troll that can't spell...what a surprise. looks like someone really needs to get laid..and not in a botanical sense.
  12. C

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    chubby fucks need love to,,,and most give good oral...they have to...why the hell else would you keep them around? they would eat all your oreos...break your toilet seat...make your house smell like cabbage and camel farts...but at least if they suck a mean dick you wont want to bounce their fat...
  13. C

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    would someone just pity fuck this chick so she stops eating up bandwidth? :hump: but now that i think about it, she will just post a thread about it with her stressing if she is preggers.
  14. C

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    had he tried something she would be on here bitching about that...what she needs is a friend outside the internet and learn how to log off this site and figure out her problems without the assistance of strangers. high post count=popular i guess,
  15. C

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    well my guess would be since he drove there...he isnt
  16. C

    What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?

    i know i find it hard to kiss a girl when trying to not vomit...maybe thats the case?
  17. C

    prove me there is a god

    this sounds fairly logical and easy to getting up early on Sunday to go and compare handing over 20% of my big book of fairy tales to follow...and the only burning bush involved is in my pipe.but can i still pray to the gopher king? he seems to have a better...
  18. C

    seeds not available where I'm from... would this work?

    cant get seeds..or clones i would take it? only have one plant...probably first grow of any type plant? you probably have no clue how to properly grow the plant...and you want to attempt to force stress a hermie? could the reason you cant get seeds is because your mom and dad hide their credit...
  19. C

    Nasty Smoke Session

    take a look...i found bunghole nastys dad...i had her pegged all wrong...i guess being white and gansta runs in the family.
  20. C


    wrong spectrum of light...very low lumens...emit a bad form of uv's for get it close enough for it to even absorb any light would burn the plant....please slap the person that even gave you the idea you can use it to grow. now i have heard of people using them right before harvest...