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  1. kiffytoi

    this is going to be fun....what is the dumbest thing you have ever heard on here?

    I work in a grow shop in NZ. Dude used to come in saying he had been flowering for 8months and nothing was really happening. Said he had 1000w, i should of asked more about this 1000w. Ended up bringing me some photo's of the room. Turned out he had 1000w of Incandescent lights. We have had...
  2. kiffytoi

    na man per square m

    na man per square m
  3. kiffytoi

    cfl v flood light?

    Your flood light would most likely be halogen which is no good for growing (lots of heat, bugger all light that the plants can use) a cfl would be better. Just go for a 400w hps.much better
  4. kiffytoi

    vertical "parabolic" lighting question

    Any holder will be fine. some bulbs don't like to be hung vert. Not many that we have seen though.
  5. kiffytoi

    Critical Mass Tree Grow x 2

    Read first page first post first line son.:neutral:
  6. kiffytoi

    740 watt LED grow DWC

    If you want efficient look up heaths flooded tube! 1 600w = 1288grams. cant get better than that!!!!why bother with l.e.d's i still haven't seen a grow that is impressive yet? and know seems to be able to tell me where to find one....... we gave the ufo a go by the way, our conclusion was the...
  7. kiffytoi

    Led Users Unite!

    Could someone post a link to a Led grow that is impressive? cant seem to find one anywhere?.....
  8. kiffytoi

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    well he obviously didn't have any probs... an ec of 1.0 is 500ppm 640ppm or 700 ppm depending on which meter you have:eyesmoke:
  9. kiffytoi

    What does 600m2 mean???

    m2 means square meter. so 600m2 would mean 600 square meters. i am assuming you have seen it in a seed guide saying 600gm2 That means you should be able to get 600grams per square meter, or maybe some one has said the lighting you need is 600wm2 that's 600w's per square meter, which is correct...
  10. kiffytoi

    Hello Heath, great work, you are an inspiration to many. Would it be possible for you to contact...

    Hello Heath, great work, you are an inspiration to many. Would it be possible for you to contact me on [email protected] i have something i would like to run by you, i am trying to design something and would like to run it by you, its nothing too out there just another vertical idea.
  11. kiffytoi

    How reputable is Jorge Cervantes?????

    I would say he has more practical experience than all the people on this thread put together. Its easy to talk shit, but where's all you epic grows?? Who's even getting 1 gram per watt here??? :wall:
  12. kiffytoi

    halogen lamp

    No!!!! No way
  13. kiffytoi

    Anyone ever used a heat shield like this??????????

    Yep they are a staple round here. Very good if you have heat probs, keeps that real intense light straight under the bulb spread out more evenly. Also good if no heat probs, just to get lamps closer to plants
  14. kiffytoi

    Ruderalis is not a Type of Cannabis

    this should be on the noob page:wall:
  15. kiffytoi

    800 watts of cfls pics (should I switch to hps??)

    Your buds look really bad dude. get hps. anyone that loves your setup is new to growing. 800w of cfl?!!! get a 400w hps you will get heaps more and it wont look like fluffy crap and take you 3 years to Finnish.
  16. kiffytoi

    21 days flowering lemon skunk.WTF!!!

    People that grow under led's and fluro's, and then even change light cycle to 10/14 are the best!!!!! :spew:
  17. kiffytoi

    Would a 150 mh be better than a 150cfl?

    Yes mh all the way, no competition!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. kiffytoi

    when can i start trimming some of the leaves?

    Dude there is so much info on scrog and sog on the net. Type either one in to Google and all your questions will be answered.
  19. kiffytoi

    Whys he tellin me this

    I work in a grow shop, and you believe some of the shit ive heard people do because "a friend told me" and when i tell them they are all shit they don't believe me!! Humans are strange creatures.