21 days flowering lemon skunk.WTF!!!


Active Member
People that grow under led's and fluro's, and then even change light cycle to 10/14 are the best!!!!! :spew:


New Member
Have to agree with everyone don't mess with the light cycles.Why does everyone keep trying to mess with light cycles?????? 24/7 ,20/4 18/6 for veg, and 12/12 for flowering,proven trillions of times to work,why f*ck with it???
Could not agree with you more !
Everyone is always looking for the voodoo shit that brings better, then fuck up.


Well-Known Member
yah u have it on 14/10 thats ur problem. change to 12/12 and they wil resume as normal just do it!

Bean 420

Well-Known Member
I've been at 14/10 since the the first day of flower, and I'm using LEDs and CFLs and at about 12 days of flower I have some buds forming. I would drop the LED down closer to the plants. Definitely check your timers and tent for light leaks, I haven't read all your posts but are you using flowering nutes?


Well-Known Member
So, at the close end of flowering, you can switch from 12/12 to 14/10 and make your yeild bigger? I would be scared to fuck up! I'm just going to leave mine on 12/12. Don't want to experiment.


Well-Known Member
the plants looks like they are growing fine .... I'd also leave the nutes like the other fella said. Seems to me that plants with greater light intensity (HPS and/or MH) are fuller and more robust. It is my guess that the light intensity is lacking. But those are individual choices. As with anything else each choice has its intended and unitended consequences. They look like they are and will grow fine. but like someone else said ....your harvest wuill be a long time coming relative to what can be achieved with greater light intensity. A trade off. good luck Walk on!~
am using micro 8ml per gal and 16 ml bloom. Lucas formula at full stregnth. the led is 300 watt and a 13 watt warm 26 warm and a 26 cool with a red 14 watt led. the tent is 4x4x6 6 gal reiviors a nd also 3 75 watt show and grow lights vertical on walls
So against my own discretion I switched light back 12/12. They seem to be budding some. The leaves are starting to curl under pretty bad and and one plant is starting to twist and the middle is starting to tangle. I need to see some pics of how to groom the ladies so they can flower right. I cleaned the bottoms but no clue if and what to do with the rest. Thought Ide post a few more pics.



Well-Known Member
Those plants look hella good even though no buds, if you vegged under LED's then switched to CFL's or HID's would that work? Just wondering!
PS dont hate on led's u just have to learn how to use them as you have to learn to use others. Different strokes for different folks. I have faith these ladies will catch up


New Member
Only HID lights will give the best results, fact. l dont think LED are good enough for high yields. maybe ok for veg, but not for flower.


Well-Known Member
wtf i was helping you..i said 12/12 until the last few week or flower..then switch to 14/10