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  1. Applz

    Applz salvia trip

    Yo names applz and here's my little story. My cousin calls me and tells me his parents are of to mejicali and tells me if im down to smoke some sexy herb and i say " why are you even asking" LOL so he picks me up we go to his pad mind you he has a lot of land and the scenery is insane he...
  2. Applz

    Life itself

    Lol ok first off its easier disproving god, why you might ask? Reason. Religon is as old as our own human history because when people couldnt explain things they wanted to believe someone bigger then them were in control and not in some random chaotic control. So many religons waterdown all...
  3. Applz

    Societies pathetic.

    I didnt read it all just read the first two sentences xD all i have to say is, conforming...its easier to do then fighting the system most people go for the easiestt way out. Also like every huge human civilization that has passed, downfall is enitible our time will come may it be tommorow...
  4. Applz

    Is it the norm now ? o.o

    Lol noob account 1st post ;) and thank gaud this isn't was a really...weird...the whole convo. i mean the whole time to cope with this...i said " ur comedy -guysname-" Lol ive been lurking around mouching info. then this happened yesterday and well this is the sexuality page and...
  5. Applz

    Is it the norm now ? o.o

    Hey guys noob here and this story is not a troll story o.o so my two friends from high school give me a call mind you i havent seen them since high school they say "u down to blaze?" i was like waaaa sick ass foo lol so i go to my friends house we start smking remizing about the old...