Societies pathetic.


Well-Known Member
I was tripping the other night and had some very interesting conversations with my buddy about society, so I'm gonna share them haha, I dont remember most of it, but all the conversations were just so right on..

Basically, society in general is pathetic, everyones pathetic. The fact that people can work theyre entire lives and just get FUCKED in the end is disgusting. The fact that everyone works and works and works and competes and competes, making enemies, getting stolen from, murder sometimes. Its sick. Nobody is praised for their efforts, everyones praised for their status, for the shear ability of fucking everyone over for themselves. Now I'm one for capitalism, in a sense. Not fully, just a little, but the fact that capitalism is even in existence is retarded. I'd just way rather have it than socialism. People should compete for creativity, for work. But in a friendly manor. The people at the top literally cut throats to get there and that is NOT good.

Then if nobody competed and socialism was the way of life, nobody would work, everyone would take advantage of it and everything would go to shit. Neither side is right, so why are the sides even in existence? I wish society would have grown differently, because its impossible to change now. And for those who actively try to change it. Guess what? Your not doing anything, but causing arguments and pissing more people off. Nothings gonna change, unless your one of the assholes at the top. Only assholes can change things, especially when its ran by politics. If it were ran by religion everyone would be even more brainwashed.. That too.. Everyone is brainwashed into thinking things are bad. Drugs mainly. Whenever I trip, I have the best time ever, why couldn't society be built on that? Being a positive thing? Vacation is a positive thing for us, trips should be too.

Then, the one chemical that is the most dangerous, is the only legal one, the rest you get fucked in half if you get caught.. Jesus this jumps around a bit, but now I'm just ranting lol


Well-Known Member
this thread reminds me of this video

i do like my technology, but sometimes i wish i could live in a tribal environment for like a month at least.


Well-Known Member
I'm really glad you posted that, it really got my mind going! So what is your views on the whole exotic mecca dimension contacting us through psychedelic space? xD His ideas were a little far fetched, just the whole two planets being formed. But I like to think about stuff like that, that was a perfect addition to my stoned mind :)


Well-Known Member
I'm really glad you posted that, it really got my mind going! So what is your views on the whole exotic mecca dimension contacting us through psychedelic space? xD His ideas were a little far fetched, just the whole two planets being formed. But I like to think about stuff like that, that was a perfect addition to my stoned mind :)
hahaha he is pretty out there. hes got a lot of cool videos. i think there is something up with UFOs because so many people see them, and have been for a long time. and the government tries to hide it, either because they know what it is, or dont know and fear the people may be afraid if they knew. they deny their existence even when their own employees come out and tell their stories, with enormous risk to their jobs.
and the whole splitting of the planets, where one goes in one direction, and the other goes in another, is a physics idea. they think with every decision made in the universe(at the atomic level even), a new universe is formed where the opposite event happened. heres a link to the wiki page

i think he took a tangent off that idea, and thought what if the universes split at the point where jesus became a prophet. one side believed him, the other didnt. i also think this would have drastically changed history for sure.


Well-Known Member
hahaha he is pretty out there. hes got a lot of cool videos. i think there is something up with UFOs because so many people see them, and have been for a long time. and the government tries to hide it, either because they know what it is, or dont know and fear the people may be afraid if they knew. they deny their existence even when their own employees come out and tell their stories, with enormous risk to their jobs.
and the whole splitting of the planets, where one goes in one direction, and the other goes in another, is a physics idea. they think with every decision made in the universe(at the atomic level even), a new universe is formed where the opposite event happened. heres a link to the wiki page

i think he took a tangent off that idea, and thought what if the universes split at the point where jesus became a prophet. one side believed him, the other didnt. i also think this would have drastically changed history for sure.
I'm not sure if aliend exist or not but google nazi UFO's, ha sounds like a joke but check it out. I believe that these space crafts are what alot of the UFO sightings are.


Well-Known Member
i think he took a tangent off that idea, and thought what if the universes split at the point where jesus became a prophet. one side believed him, the other didnt. i also think this would have drastically changed history for sure.
How could all people on one side believe it though? Its not like all people don't believe it here. Or believe it. I believe if one universe practiced shaminism and psychedelic discovery. Instead of atomic structure, and physics. The thing is people actively spread on both topics in this universe.. I kinda think everythings at equalibrium somehow, maybe opposite reactions happen that would even it out wouldn't it?


Well-Known Member
I am too scared to watch that youtube video right now, i freaking hate society and basically agree with high/high over everything he has written. I hate the fact that i cant escape it or i could if i was rich which i aint and dont want to be, simple pleasures in life are always the best.

Anyway i have come to the conclusion that i could go without tv, computers even electricity, kinda like on that film 'The Beach' with leonardo dicaprio where he leaves society behind.

I hate all the hate in society and recently asked why i was hating and being agresive towards life and back at society and came to the conclusion and understanding that society makes me like this and if that wernt there id be a happy little bunny, sing with the birds, run in the fields and swim in the sea all day, smoke weed and grow my own food.

I use to subscribe to the whole society thing but what a total fucking let down it is, i cant and dont want to be driven by constant work and money. I see no good in the world, people starve and we just watch them on tv thosonds of miles away eating steak no comprehension that they are also us but we just dont give a damn.

I want to help them but i am made helpless by society, a mere number to some, i dont know my neighbours well and keep what little comunity going on streets around where i live, more chance of getting robbed than of someone actually smilling at you in the streets.

I feel i can handle it but why waste time not being happy, i want to tune out and drop out. I had this ephiphany whilst smoking weed lazing about on the canals in amsterdamn smoking copious amounts of weed, some ideas are just random and gone in a flash but you know when an idea pops into your head and your like 'oh no this is gona be life changing!'. So all i wanted to do was live like this, no tv, simple life, weed and plenty off chilling and hobbies. Fuck work, fuck society and fuck it all.

Dreams are unrealistic though which leaves it built up inside for a very long time before eventual dissapointment and death! Inside i am crying because society beat the shit out of me and im just a little boy who wants to play and have fun even though i look 30ish on the outside. I find my greatest harmony playing with kids, even at my age i still love colouring in and exploring castles. Kids still got there innocence and that makes them so cool and smacks it home that i lost mine.

I never wana show no aggression ever again and want to practice peace love and harmony no matter what with a healthy mind body and spirit. I would have laughed at this shit years ago but some are lucky enough to see the light.

I am officially living my life to a different code, one that fucks society over, it cant touch my beliefs and principles and i live mylife the way i want, money is just a way to live not a reason to live. Everyone says i act like a kid and joke about loads, wana see my face light up when my girlfriend brings me a chocolate bar home after work sometimes been known to dance a little dance too, she loves me for my childish ways.

Sorry to vent all this hear i just needed to get it out of my system before eventual dissapointment in life and one day death, i may never be truly happy and that sucks big time, society should watch out for the quiet ones like me often we crack the most. Peace


Well-Known Member
UFOs, honestly, I'll just stay out of it. If they are real, which I think they could be, the aliens using them have to be far far more out there, expand their technology between mind and matter. Theyd have figured out that 'the other side' shit is completely relevant when it comes to technology and space travel.


Well-Known Member
I am too scared to watch that youtube video right now, i freaking hate society and basically agree with high/high over everything he has written. I hate the fact that i cant escape it or i could if i was rich which i aint and dont want to be, simple pleasures in life are always the best.

Anyway i have come to the conclusion that i could go without tv, computers even electricity, kinda like on that film 'The Beach' with leonardo dicaprio where he leaves society behind.

I hate all the hate in society and recently asked why i was hating and being agresive towards life and back at society and came to the conclusion and understanding that society makes me like this and if that wernt there id be a happy little bunny, sing with the birds, run in the fields and swim in the sea all day, smoke weed and grow my own food.

I use to subscribe to the whole society thing but what a total fucking let down it is, i cant and dont want to be driven by constant work and money. I see no good in the world, people starve and we just watch them on tv thosonds of miles away eating steak no comprehension that they are also us but we just dont give a damn.

I want to help them but i am made helpless by society, a mere number to some, i dont know my neighbours well and keep what little comunity going on streets around where i live, more chance of getting robbed than of someone actually smilling at you in the streets.

I feel i can handle it but why waste time not being happy, i want to tune out and drop out. I had this ephiphany whilst smoking weed lazing about on the canals in amsterdamn smoking copious amounts of weed, some ideas are just random and gone in a flash but you know when an idea pops into your head and your like 'oh no this is gona be life changing!'. So all i wanted to do was live like this, no tv, simple life, weed and plenty off chilling and hobbies. Fuck work, fuck society and fuck it all.

Dreams are unrealistic though which leaves it built up inside for a very long time before eventual dissapointment and death! Inside i am crying because society beat the shit out of me and im just a little boy who wants to play and have fun even though i look 30ish on the outside. I find my greatest harmony playing with kids, even at my age i still love colouring in and exploring castles. Kids still got there innocence and that makes them so cool and smacks it home that i lost mine.

I never wana show no aggression ever again and want to practice peace love and harmony no matter what with a healthy mind body and spirit. I would have laughed at this shit years ago but some are lucky enough to see the light.

I am officially living my life to a different code, one that fucks society over, it cant touch my beliefs and principles and i live mylife the way i want, money is just a way to live not a reason to live. Everyone says i act like a kid and joke about loads, wana see my face light up when my girlfriend brings me a chocolate bar home after work sometimes been known to dance a little dance too, she loves me for my childish ways.

Sorry to vent all this hear i just needed to get it out of my system before eventual dissapointment in life and one day death, i may never be truly happy and that sucks big time, society should watch out for the quiet ones like me often we crack the most. Peace
Man, I totally feel for you.. Societies shit, people are shit because of society, I'm just as childish as I was when I was thirteen.. I mean the way I act. The way I get excited if something goes my way. You know, like you said CANDY BAASSS! I would be perfectly happy if I could just not have any tv, a computer, and just smoke and do things like when I was little where we'd go on endless adventures through the forests making houses out of hay.. I just.. Now that I'm used to all this technology, I wouldn't pull through with it for long. I can say I would, but truly I wouldn't.. Right now I'm just working on 4 walls and a decent food arsenal. Its ridiculous, yeah I haven't worked that hard for my whole life, I've done some bad things. But I've NEVER been evil. So many people think evil-y. I don't mean to the extreme evil. I just mean evil thoughts, like stealing whats not rightfully yours. Everyone seems to be 'evil' these days, and its because society leaves them no choice. I personally think I'm above society, and people like you me, and plenty of others are the same.. Yet realistically thats just gonna fuck us in the end.


Well-Known Member
I was tripping the other night and had some very interesting conversations with my buddy about society, so I'm gonna share them haha, I dont remember most of it, but all the conversations were just so right on..

Basically, society in general is pathetic, everyones pathetic. The fact that people can work theyre entire lives and just get FUCKED in the end is disgusting. The fact that everyone works and works and works and competes and competes, making enemies, getting stolen from, murder sometimes. Its sick. Nobody is praised for their efforts, everyones praised for their status, for the shear ability of fucking everyone over for themselves. Now I'm one for capitalism, in a sense. Not fully, just a little, but the fact that capitalism is even in existence is retarded. I'd just way rather have it than socialism. People should compete for creativity, for work. But in a friendly manor. The people at the top literally cut throats to get there and that is NOT good.

Then if nobody competed and socialism was the way of life, nobody would work, everyone would take advantage of it and everything would go to shit. Neither side is right, so why are the sides even in existence? I wish society would have grown differently, because its impossible to change now. And for those who actively try to change it. Guess what? Your not doing anything, but causing arguments and pissing more people off. Nothings gonna change, unless your one of the assholes at the top. Only assholes can change things, especially when its ran by politics. If it were ran by religion everyone would be even more brainwashed.. That too.. Everyone is brainwashed into thinking things are bad. Drugs mainly. Whenever I trip, I have the best time ever, why couldn't society be built on that? Being a positive thing? Vacation is a positive thing for us, trips should be too.

Then, the one chemical that is the most dangerous, is the only legal one, the rest you get fucked in half if you get caught.. Jesus this jumps around a bit, but now I'm just ranting lol
It just shows you how diluted mankind has become with "the ideals of society" being at the foreground of behavioral expectation of their fellow man.Yet they feed on one another like wolves and call it their road of progress to success,its a profoundly cruel irony.They are in a sort of Matrix if you would adopt the term here,its the way they live and what they can never escape even if they wanted to.These sorts cling to their very lifestyle even if it makes them miserable people which it dose.I for one am glad that I do not live in such a manner,and am happier with less than with everything else.So yea they are assholes yet you can see them for their pathetic attempts at achieving "life" and they will never have it no matter how hard they try and how much money they have.The one thing forgotten so many times over and over is the simplicity in which you can enjoy life,society perpetualy ruins this for themselves while striving for that happiness....sad but true.


Well-Known Member
Yep i just wana dissapear and get lost in a haze of smoke, society dose suck and only seems to get worse the older i get. Why bother anymore, i use to like growing weed for fun never for sale but this is all changing.

The UK is a sh!t place, aggressive, image driven full of drugs, coke and money talk thesedays where as years ago it use to be so chilled. Screw this crap country, we have riots and no one addresses the problem we simply get more politicians and big brother style policing, we said the crime rates are too high and society dissolved and the poxy goverment just started punishing ever one who took part totally missing the point. We rioted cause we got no jobs, the youth of today gone bad and basically were sick of all these foreigners, did the goverment give a SH!T!! Just whatever gives them more money and power.

Screw t.v. and technology i dont want it, what a waste of crap when id prefer to do somthing more constructive like make a better soiciety. Seems like the only thing society wants is the new iphone4 or whatever mundane crap they try and control us with next. No wonder there are so many wars, how many countries have we gone to and blown the hell out of now, there really was no need but we didn't want to be friendly and let people be, no one has the right to murder someone, i do it and get 15 years inside, the goverment dose it and everyone cheers them on, seriously they are the biggest hypocrites.

Like this site everyone seems unable to solve their problems without a fight, total joke all around! FUCK SOCIETY and its lame ass approach to life. Peace
There's like a system maaaaaaaan...

I know what you're saying and I've said it many times as well. Pretty crazy how people think the rat race is life.


Well-Known Member
^ Theres a way out, just ignoring it. Its what I do on a regular basis, when I'm not ignoring it I get pissed. The only times I think about it logically is when I am tripping, then it all makes sense. Sober, I train myself to become oblivious. It works, its the only way. Shits not changin, might as well try and be happy right?

I'm not completely oblivious, a lot of things still catch my eye, but then I just change my train of thought


Well-Known Member
I tried that and didnt work, if i lived in a nicer place then this would work but not in the UK its crap everywhere, i liked amsterdam and finland even norway and switzerland. lovely place and lovely people not like the 90percent knobs, chavs and dicks we get here in the UK. Canadians seem to be absolutly genuine friendly nice rocking people too. If i had the money id have a small flat in amsterdam and live there half the year, this would make me happy again but sucks i need another of societies evils, MONEY!

I use to grow weed to have fun and a smoke, now i think fuckit im gona sell for my own selfish needs which are getting away from the shit parts and places of society. Peace


Well-Known Member
'what else can we do? Get jobs in offices and wake up for the morning commute?'
Done that job thing for years, was the most punctual hard worker going and it led to nothing, i went to college for a few years to make my self more employable and then millions of foriegners decide to up sticks and come and live in my town, lucky if you can even get a flat thesedays let alone a job.

Society drives you to crime to fund your own eutopia, i show no remorse for growing and passing drugs on to be sold now, before i just wanted to chill out and grow weed for personal now its got personal!

Yer there is little chance of breaking out of this 24hour crap, i got a good life and lots going but still i dont care id trade it all for just one chance at going somewhere else and escaping societies clutches.

Oh well were damned if we do and damned if we dont. Peace


I didnt read it all just read the first two sentences xD

all i have to say is, conforming...its easier to do then fighting the system most people go for the easiestt way out. Also like every huge human civilization that has passed, downfall is enitible our time will come may it be tommorow, 50years or 200years this civilization will end.

Id also like to say not all people let themselves get fucked by the system your forgetting those who beat it, making the system work for them. Though they tend to be the controllers or the lowkey fox never sharing the success. Who would ;)


Well-Known Member
I have much hope for humans as individuals. I think we are smarter and more capable now than ever before in history. Our medical advances alone are miraculous. Everywhere you look there are groups and collectives dedicated to helping the less fortunate. In terms of knowledge and compassion, I wouldn't want to live in any previous time than now.

Now, there are many many things wrong, as this thread points out. I must agree that I do not feel guilt for being a grower. I am simply taking advantage of a niche that was created from their asinine policy of prohibition and intolerance. You (they) can't implement a backwards policy based on misinformation and prejudice which creates a black market, continue to enforce this policy after decades of proof that none of it's goals are reachable or even justified, after it being clearly demonstrated to cause undue harm and misery, and then expect me to feel shame for taking advantage of the niche which exists by default. It is a contemptible policy bathed in greed which I have no obligation to follow as a human or as an American.

As for the other glaring atrocities pointed out in this thread. My preliminary theory is that the position of leading politics or business attracts sociopaths. A sociopath does not care about the feelings of others or the state of the world, although he/she is excellent at giving the appearance of concern. These people are attracted and well suited for seats of power, and once they occupy them they implement policies and actions which favor themselves at the expense of others. This coupled with the ill-education of the masses, the proliferation of myths and misinformation, the lazy approach much of the world takes to knowledge, are the two biggest contributors to the state of the world today.