On on branch the pistils have gone from brown to redish. But it's only there on that one node,above it the pistils are comeing in fine. And on the rest of the plant all the other pistils are fine. Is something wroung?
I have swiched to 12/12 its been about 1 and a half and she seams to be getting taller, I know there supossed to get taller but would raiseing the light make them even taller?
hey I have to to bottles that are 950mL each, with yeast and suger makeing the CO2, is that enufe for my grow room, that has 5 plants? its a 4f by 5f and its 5 feet tall
hey just woundering does the weed plant like to get water on it or should i water the soil and not get water directly on the plant? I have noticed that some plants like to get water on them and some dont.
oh sorry kinda new at the whole thing, everyone has been a great help, so haveing a window open in the room and keeping the door to the room closed will work ok? the box isnt full closed (opening on one end and a 3 by 5 opening on the other side)
hey, what do you mean by Co2 supplements? i dont have a Co2 system installed at all should I? also i have constructed my grow room from cardboard, is that bad?