grow room to HOT


hey my grow room is geting to 28 degrees celsius, im uesing soil and for lighting i have a 54 watt T5 HO light. is this to hot?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your ventilation isn't working to well, you may want to mess with that first. T5 lights don't put out alot of heat. I use T5 as well but I mounted the ballasts outside my grow box Just to eliminate that heat. Ballast put off alot of heat as well.


Well-Known Member
Hello sir,

Welcome to the forum.
That is the maximum temperature that the plants will thrive in... with CO2 supplementation or fresh air.

My room is always 28C, which is GREAT with CO2. I have to air condition to get that "cool"


hey, what do you mean by Co2 supplements? i dont have a Co2 system installed at all should I? also i have constructed my grow room from cardboard, is that bad?


Well-Known Member
Plants need CO2 to breathe..
You need to have fresh air, like a door or window.. or if it is a fully closed box, you need a method to produce CO2 for the plants to breathe.


oh sorry kinda new at the whole thing, everyone has been a great help, so haveing a window open in the room and keeping the door to the room closed will work ok? the box isnt full closed (opening on one end and a 3 by 5 opening on the other side)


Well-Known Member
Openings are good. Do you have a fan in there? fans are good, too. You don't have to keep windows and doors open.. but it is good to do so periodically.


yes i have 2 fans a dehumidifier and a hepa air filter , and my grow rooms temp is 28C and the humidity in the room is about 54. is this ok?