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  1. LysergicBuds420


    I need some help. A few plants have been budding for 10 days now under a 400w hps and are showing sex. due to lack of resources i have no pics at this time, which brings me to what i need help with. If anyone in the past has had a hermie or male plant or even knows where to get week by week pics...
  2. LysergicBuds420

    Reflective Materials

    right on i appreciate the comments.. i havent used foil til this point so i guess i will continue to not use it.. i was just wondering if it actually did more harm than good... so thanks for that. so im guessing mirrors would be a no-no too?
  3. LysergicBuds420

    Reflective Materials

    I was wondering if foil will work well enough until i can purchase some mylar? Or what else can i use to help with the relfective issue i'm having? I dont have a MH or HPS..I'm using flouros so i dont think the foil will burn my plants.. any ideas suggestions???:blsmoke:
  4. LysergicBuds420

    48'' Flourecents

    How many 48'' flourecents do you need to use to get good results vegging and flowering (somethin equivalent to maybe a 400w MH). i know to use cool white in the veg state and warm white wehn flowering but how many should i use? Cool white 40 watt bulbs= 3200 lumens.. Warm white 40 watt bulbs=...
  5. LysergicBuds420

    Best System Flushes in less than 48 hours

    right on.. i appreciate. the ideas. how much salt? just like a pinch or so?
  6. LysergicBuds420

    Best System Flushes in less than 48 hours

    I have a piss test in 48 hours and i was wondering what the best thing to use (that doesn't cost money). i heard vinegar and water does but i dont know how much vinegar to use and i heard it usually makes a person pretty sick. anyone heard of this or have any other ideas... comments and help are...
  7. LysergicBuds420

    What is the Deal with HERMIES? Pollination?

    right on. i've been wantin to know that for a while now. can feminized seeds turn hermie?
  8. LysergicBuds420

    What is the Deal with HERMIES? Pollination?

    Should be just the buds.. but im not sure. How did your plant turn hermie? what causes that to happen? just genetics?
  9. LysergicBuds420

    Blueberry...normal shape? Just switched to 12/12 *PICS*

    4 weeks and no nutes??? whats your secret bro? i gotta know. very nice for a 4 week old plant. if you wanna make your fan leaves branch farther out and get more branching then i would probably invest in a little more lights and maybe some mylar so your branches will grow 'out' as well as 'up'
  10. LysergicBuds420

    Germination Issues (yes i have already searched)

    i let them get quite long, they lose there seed casing on there own then i plant. works everytime.
  11. LysergicBuds420

    Germination Issues (yes i have already searched)

    i always let my seeds germinate completely in a paper towel.. though contrary to popular methods. but i get 100% sprouting from all planted. maybe not soo much peat?
  12. LysergicBuds420

    Help: Yellow Leaves (Pics Included)

    no nute after 4 1/2 weeks. they need nutes the same thing happened to mine and they pulled out of it. i would check the ph and possibly flush. then use some nutes. and more lighting would definately be a good thing
  13. LysergicBuds420

    LSD binge

    rainbow gatherings, right on, i was suppose to go to one in arkansas last summer but unfortunately i didnt make it. you should make it out to schwagstock.. its on beautiful land. they always have good bands playin out there during the festivals
  14. LysergicBuds420

    LSD binge

    yeah none of those are acid.. just "wannabees or immitations". dob is one of the chemicals people pass off as acid
  15. LysergicBuds420

    LSD binge

    RC= Research Chemical= Synthetic man made psychedelic that can cause intense trips or sometimes just an empathogen but more un clean and dirty feelings and effects. Ex.. Dob, doc, doi, dom(stp), 2c-b, 2c-i,2c-e, 2c-t2, 2c-t21,.. etc.. the list goes on and on, unfortunately i've done many...
  16. LysergicBuds420

    LSD binge

    I apologize i forgot to address something i felt needed to be addressed. closet.cult... That's incorrect, are you speaking to acid heads as myself or are you speaking about bingers and over-users?? i must know.. because your typical acid head actually thinks too fast for there brain to put...
  17. LysergicBuds420

    LSD binge

    yes potent acid is easier for me to get than potent rolls (i guess i just know the right people), although there was some really potent molly around for a long time. the quality of acid that i eat (which is some of the most potent acid i believe to be out there, and it gets better every time) is...
  18. LysergicBuds420

    LSD binge

    My favorites from most to least out of psychedelic drugs (cause thats all i do). ACID, then NUGGET, molly or good rolls, shrooms. The last two i eat the least often.. rollin is nice but its hard to find good potent rolls and rollin doesnt get visual (except for a few rolls i have had) so why...
  19. LysergicBuds420

    Is the chlorine from tap water REALLY that bad?

    yes but a lot of places have hard water problems, mineral deposits and shit.. that can translate into your plant after time but i really dont think most tap water is harmful just check your shower head.. if its got a bunch of hard water on it it then you might wanna let it sit for a day.