Help: Yellow Leaves (Pics Included)


Well-Known Member
Strain: Nirvana Big Bud & Misty
Age: 4-4.5 Weeks Old
Soil: Generic Potting Soil (No Nutes in soil)
Watering Sche.: Every 2-3 Days Depending on how the soil Feels (Tap/Bottled Water)
Nutes: NONE!
Lighting: (4) Day Light CFL's
Schedule: 18/6

My bottem leaves are starting to turn yellow and its working its way up slowly. Im not sure on what the problem is its only my 2nd sucessful grow. Please give me some feedback and help me find out whats wrong....:joint:

Should i add nutes??
More Lighting??
Less Watering?? Distilled Water???

*Check my Gallery For larger pics....


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil ? probably a ph problem it looks like the nitrogen toxicity i dont know how that would happen with no nutes though unless your ph is horribly off


Active Member
no nute after 4 1/2 weeks. they need nutes the same thing happened to mine and they pulled out of it. i would check the ph and possibly flush. then use some nutes. and more lighting would definately be a good thing

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I agree with 420, you need to add nutes. It looks like nitrogen dif not toxicity. Don't look for damaged leaves to turn perfect again, instead look at the new growth for new problems....


Well-Known Member
good lookin on the replys...Im going to get some nutes with high Nitrogen and Flush out my plants with Distilled or Botteled water and see how everything goes...


Well-Known Member
They definitely need nutes. I started feeding these plants 1/4 strength 7 days from sprout. The large ones on the right are 4 weeks from seed and the smaller ones are 3 weeks from seed but they are grown hydro not in soil.



Well-Known Member
i added nutes and the are adjusting well, i actually switched them into flower at about 10"inch's tall...Soo ill update if i get a female, wish me luck!