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  1. UnknownNobody

    yo riu how b u

    grape punch
  2. UnknownNobody

    yo riu how b u

    So no one is interested at all eh ? maybe this will get your attention. 2 ledgendary clone only's 1st chem d 2nd lemon larry. and lemon larry CHEM D LEMON LARRY
  3. UnknownNobody

    Sour Diesel Seeds

    he calls them s1's that means selfed, selfed means self pollinated. If he's got a sour diesel plant that is self pollinated then it's not the clone.That leads me to conclude he's using Rez's work which alot of other breeders do,and rightfully so because yes Rez may be a complete choad and a...
  4. UnknownNobody

    Sour Diesel Seeds

    so you keep ignoring the fact here bro, keep dismissing it,like I hav'nt allready said it twice. Frankly I find that a bit insulting.But considering yer seemingly clear lack of atention to detail, I guess I'll say it another way.ECSD throws "dry" nanners, without any pollen in them.But those...
  5. UnknownNobody

    Sour Diesel Seeds

    Im actually a little flattered you think Im rez.truth is I could never be the deuchebag he is cause I have integrity.And I couldnt care less if he breed his beans in a litterbox cause they put out some damn fine plants. a few hermies too but you'll find those everywhere....My pic is indeed the...
  6. UnknownNobody

    Sour Diesel Seeds

    so you've had more than one?
  7. UnknownNobody

    Sour Diesel Seeds

    really!!!!!!!!!!!!! this steamin' pile of shit wasn't ment to be antagonistic ? that means yer also a liar not jus a snarky punk.......
  8. UnknownNobody

    Sour Diesel Seeds

    all the solid info you need is right here between the swear words.......learn ta read between the lines eh .I saw the auction the highest bid was like 370 for a pk of alpha........mines cost 80.............True about the censorship problems there at gypsy's house but hey whadda ya gonna do.Im...
  9. UnknownNobody

    Sour Diesel Seeds

    ok dick breath............I'll take option 4 for the win.I could care less what you or a bunch of status happy sheeple like yerself think about me. can you prove that RN greenthumb used the ecsd ? can ya ? can ya ? tell me.......can ya ? That would be a "gee whiz , nope I cant prove...
  10. UnknownNobody

    Sour Diesel Seeds

    1. I'm not rez and not a fan of rez and I do believe rez's beans are way over priced, plus Rez is not even online atm. been mia for about 8 weeks. 2. that picture you posted is 110% NOT the ECSD clone. 3. you are a foul mouthed little punk bitch and a liar. 4. my only intention is to put a...
  11. UnknownNobody

    Sour Diesel Seeds

    the only extraordinary claim is selling s1's from a plant that produces steril pollen genius.So pony up the proof thats it's ecsd instead of sdibl. or just stfu.
  12. UnknownNobody

    Sour Diesel Seeds

    also reports all over the place of super sour phenos comin through............ And I aint no fan boy I bought the sdibl and b4 that the alpha 5 yrs ago. 2 packs in 5 yrs hardly qualify's me as a fanboy.Both packs put out keeper plants.Just the truth...........Plus I made a buncha f2's of the...
  13. UnknownNobody

    Sour Diesel Seeds

    you're a fucking liar period.Anyone who is not a complete novice shit fer brains knows that the ecsd clone is a hermie machine and also throws steril pollen.........Dr greenthumb is also a liar saying that it's the ecsd s1's he's selling.He's selling s1's of Rez's sour diesel ibl.........The...
  14. UnknownNobody

    Here we go steelers here we go.

    So what happened to sicc? its not like the igles are 1-3......Are they?
  15. UnknownNobody

    Take Too Many Pictures? Stop.

    you dont havta say it it is implied............
  16. UnknownNobody

    Take Too Many Pictures? Stop.

    lots of hate at this site....all I read I hate this or that bla bla bla...........Perhaps the people on facebook fucking hate you too. wanna know what I hate ? of course not, but ima tell ya anyway.I hate people who think they are better than everyone else.............sound familiar anyone ?
  17. UnknownNobody

    yo riu how b u

    large size
  18. UnknownNobody

    yo riu how b u

    a few more from my personal albums.....hope you enjoy them.
  19. UnknownNobody

    Greenhouse Exodus Cheese is going bad!

    you got it bro credit gose to you.we cool homie?
  20. UnknownNobody

    Greenhouse Exodus Cheese is going bad!

    weather or not water beads on leaves will cause some burning and discoloration is not the issue at all.It will by the way but still not the issue.The op's plants are wilted and yellowing That is cause they are clones who have not been fed at all. Either his plant is locked out (which I doubt...