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  1. D

    Question About Great White Mycorrhizae

    Mycorrhizae are awesome. Without them most species of pine tree couldn't survive. The key to implementing them right is to make root contact with them. If you do DWC manually topfeed some R.O water with mycos in it. If you do aero/flood and drain/drip system simply mix the mycos into your...
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    Question About Calmag

    There is a big difference between Distilled water and R.O. Two different processes. Distilled water ppm is 0. R.O is usually between 10-70 ppm. R.O has all the chlorine/fluorine removed but does have a little Calcium/Magnesium in it. How many ml/g of calmag are you using? The amount you need...
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    Hyrdroponics Watering, when?

    The 15 minute timer is perfect. You want to flood the table for 15 minutes every two hours while the lights are on. Don't worry about a night flood. With the lights off, the evaporation of your nutrient solution from the hydroton slows way down. Make sure your humidity is in range. Flood the...
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    Building A Dwc Cloner

    I tend to think this is one of those things were spending the $35 or so on a propagation tray, dome and rooting cubes might be a better idea. Its very simple, tried and true and you can do 50 clones at a time in one if you want. And you can easily keep your humidity in that 75-85% sweet spot for...
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    pics pics pics

    What is your ppm's right now? When shifting from mid flower to late you should be lowering N a little but not too much. You should be bringing up your PK but if you are using Koolbloom a very very little goes a long way. If you have ran chemical fertilizers up till now you might as well finish...
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    Pump pressure relief

    I might be picturing your setup wrong but would installing a manifold at the middle of the fencepost equalize pressure? How do you mist water in with no drain back to the reservoir? Partial blockages or changes in path pressure shouldn't interfere with a pump that size. Ask anyone who's done an...
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    Aerocloner Problems

    It could be a lot of things. Proper cloning temperature is 75-80 and humidity is 75-85%. I use Clonex solution but only add 5 ml/ liter, or 300ml per 60 liters. Did the space between the lighting and clones change? You don't want to give clones too much light, or they will shift focus from...
  8. D

    cutting fan leaves. yes or no?

    Fan leaves that aren't getting light are using more energy than they are collecting, a net negative energy pull. I trim 75% of the bottom 1/3 of plants 2-3 times per grow. Instead of a million tiny buds on the bottom I get larger buds on the top. The energy saved by pruning is used to create new...
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    Just installed new RO system, need help, drain line question

    While the R.O machine is running waste water continuously flows but when the machine is off the flow should stop.
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    Anyone using GH Flora nutrients in bubbleponics?

    Different strains need different nutrients. What's the point of a 3 part formula if you are supposed to use standard ratios for everything? A 1-1-1 G-M-B for veg works great for most strains. :leaf:
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    Running out of root space in 4g buckets ..?

    If you could get bigger buckets, cut a whole in the lid of the bigger bucket just smaller than your old lid and put your old lid on top that, that would be ideal. No stress.
  12. D

    Anyone using GH Flora nutrients in bubbleponics?

    Object - Stop giving people vague easy answers. You didn't even ask if he was using R.O water or CalMag. Any brand of nutrient has ratios close enough to what marijuana wants to be manipulated as such. Did you consider that plants need different ratios of nutrients throughout their life cycle...
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    DWC/Undercurrent reservoir question.

    That's what you said last time.
  14. D

    DWC/Undercurrent reservoir question.

    Telling people their replies make you laugh wasn't impolite? You didn't understand my question and that's your problem. You make me laugh.
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    DWC/Undercurrent reservoir question.

    Lol first of all wtf does ofc mean and secondly how would I add water when my level is full? Pump the other water out? That's called a reservoir change. Thanks.
  16. D

    DWC/Undercurrent reservoir question.

    This is an undercurrent system not an ordinary DWC. If I add water I won't get the ppm increase I want. If I only add a little water it won't be enough water to keep my pH in range.
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    3rd run in the Undercurrent, not bad at all

    Quick tip: If your system does become clogged somehow, and it's not your pump, run the pump backwards for 5 minutes. Straight up.
  18. D

    DWC/Undercurrent reservoir question.

    Just did a res change three days ago. There's a total of 65 gal of water in my system for 12 plants. I had to use pH down because the nutrient strength I wanted (550 ppm) only brought my R.O pH down to 6.4. I adjusted it to 5.8, where it has stayed for three days. The question is, in three days...
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    CALLING ALL PROS!please help pics included dont know what to do please help thanks!!!

    Quite the opposite. They are badly burnt. Flush and lower nutrient strength.
  20. D

    is this sulpher deficiency?

    Are the leaves dry or are they papery moist? Check your n-p-k ratio and nutrient strength.