DWC/Undercurrent reservoir question.

Just did a res change three days ago. There's a total of 65 gal of water in my system for 12 plants. I had to use pH down because the nutrient strength I wanted (550 ppm) only brought my R.O pH down to 6.4. I adjusted it to 5.8, where it has stayed for three days.

The question is, in three days my ppm has dropped from 550 to 450. I would like to add nutrients but I realize I will probably need some pH up to keep the pH in range. Good to add nutrients and pH up or should I wait till the next res change (5-7 days). Or should I do an unscheduled change tomorrow?

Thanks in advance,

Dicot :dunce:


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
There's a dwc subsection in this forum btw..

Just add water and nutes, then give it time to settle, then ph, then give it time to settle, and then do it again if your numbers are off.
There's a dwc subsection in this forum btw..

Just add water and nutes, then give it time to settle, then ph, then give it time to settle, and then do it again if your numbers are off.
This is an undercurrent system not an ordinary DWC. If I add water I won't get the ppm increase I want. If I only add a little water it won't be enough water to keep my pH in range.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
This is an undercurrent system not an ordinary DWC. If I add water I won't get the ppm increase I want. If I only add a little water it won't be enough water to keep my pH in range.

Yep UCDWC is based around DWC/RDWC so it applies. Just like if you were doing a DWC in a huge ass cooler.

Your question is relative to how much nutrients/time you want to put into it. Ofc fresh nute solution PH'd is going to be best. I get away without changing my rez/adding nutes for two weeks at a time.

lol and ofc more water means more nutes/ph solution.. lol.. some of these replies crack me up
Lol first of all wtf does ofc mean and secondly how would I add water when my level is full? Pump the other water out? That's called a reservoir change. Thanks.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Ofc means of course, and I suggest you be a little more polite to the next person that tries to help you, considering this is the last reply you're getting from me.

I also suggest doing a little research before you tell someone what is and what isn't.


Active Member
If your water level is fine then add some nutes in your UC epicenter.. Let it circulate and see where the PPMs go... When you get it right, then check the PH and use your PH up and PH down as needed.....

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
I add water only until my next res change....

I use GH nutes and somewhere I read to add water only until you do a full res change...make sence to me....To mix old with the new....I have not done that...

I would just mix up a new barrell....and dial it in right where you want it....before I would mix the old with the new...just my to cents....good luck....
Ofc means of course, and I suggest you be a little more polite to the next person that tries to help you, considering this is the last reply you're getting from me.

I also suggest doing a little research before you tell someone what is and what isn't.
Telling people their replies make you laugh wasn't impolite? You didn't understand my question and that's your problem.

You make me laugh.