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  1. R

    Very low runoff pH. Why?

    Like i said. Two of them are perfectly healthy altrought it showed as very low ph.. thats what is bothering me.. And why would soil be acidic anyway if input is proper and soil selection too.. Currently no pics, i will get them if troubles continue, but doesn't look to affect(anymore for one)...
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    Very low runoff pH. Why?

    Hi all. I was always having some issues with pH, so this time i decided i won't miss a single watering without pHing it. I find use of digital ph meters too complicated(calibrating and buying things to calibrate). I have one and when i calibrated it out of the box, it didn't work as it should...
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    Bright green leaf tips from newer growth, any ideas???

    thank for warning, i know i used one that is 7-4-6 i think..N is 7 and highest for sure ;-) I added 50% of dose stated on nutes for first time.. Hope it will help, i noticed the problem showing up on second plant too..
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    Bright green leaf tips from newer growth, any ideas???

    Thanks man, i can give it a try with adding a bit of fertilizer in next watering for that perticular plant and i'll see if things get better.
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    Bright green leaf tips from newer growth, any ideas???

    They are in veg for few weeks. It only appears on one plant, it started before about a week ago on one top. So i tought it might be light/heat stress. I have 400w mh/cooltube, had it 30cm from tops or even closer, so i started to move the light up, but it didn't help.. It spreaded to more tops...
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    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    When i had my plants in late flowering, the smell was horibble. It could be smelt outside on the road. I decided to try Ona gel Pro, as many reviews were positive. Most of them actually. Well for me, it worked for 1 day.. I only had 4 plants, most of air was exiting trought chimney. Inside, the...
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    Carbon filter test with cigarette smoke, please help!

    Hi, yesterday i mounted carbon filter to my small grow room.. I ordered a kit which included fan, filter, ducting and few other things. I gave it a test with cigarette smoke, and i did still smell it on the other side. It was not the same smell as directly smelling the smoke, but rather...
  8. R

    Question about soil's pH and raising it.

    Soo.. Anyone? I would really like to get some experienced answers, why would runoff ph be so much lower again next day as it was a day earlier after flushing? Ill see what will happen tonight...
  9. R

    Question about soil's pH and raising it.

    I don't have time, due to late flowering. Baking soda is supposed to be bad as sodium is toxic for plants already in amout you need to raise ph.. I think sillicate is much better way in this case.. But should i just keep flushing until ph gets above 6?
  10. R

    Question about soil's pH and raising it.

    Hello, lass then a week ago, i noticed, most noticable on one plant, that there might be nute burn or nute lockout. Brown leaf tips.. I'm in late flowering. So 3 days ago, i just watered with pure water of ph of about 6.8. My mistake, i didn't measure nute solutions, as people say it is not as...
  11. R

    deficiency or heat stress?

    p.s. someone asked how big the plants are. I use lst training to keep them as low as posibble and to keep most tops at same height for best light penetration. I was vegging for about a month. I really can only guess how big they are, becouse that information wasn't really needed so far and i...
  12. R

    deficiency or heat stress?

    When i checked on them yesterday when the lights got on i think it looks much better now, since i moved the light for about 20cm or more from that plant. And the problem was only on the tops closest to the light... If it will get worse again, then i really should check the ph. P.S. Before last...
  13. R

    deficiency or heat stress?

    Thanks for answers everyone! So most of you say it is light bleaching.. I hope it is and i also assumed so. As i think i noticed that its gone on tops that aren't close to the light, and it appears to be just on those closest to light(I'm turning plants around so that all tops get as much light...
  14. R

    deficiency or heat stress?

    Ok thanks. I will check for pH asap. But it shouldnt be too low, as when i mixed the soil i also mixed dolomite lime in soil as it is supposed to neutrelize pH and keep it close to 7... The water i use has pH around 6.8 anyway and i didnt give a lot nutes so far, always below the amount it is...
  15. R

    deficiency or heat stress?

    Hi all, I have some yellowing on one of four plants. It started with discoloration on more then one, then i added some magnesium, but on this one it went further. I was reading about zinc deficiency, but i'm also watering with nutes that include micronutes(It looked similar to picture of zinc...
  16. R

    Watering with mollassess and fertilizer need help..

    But i see no difference in anyway to lower pH, using fertilizer or mollassess. Won't my soil pH drop too much if i water with too low pH? Also, when you water with mollassess and fertilizer, is it normal that the water gets so dirty colored, is that safe? However, after a day from feeding them...
  17. R

    Watering with mollassess and fertilizer need help..

    And sorry for bad english anyway .. :-)
  18. R

    Watering with mollassess and fertilizer need help..

    Hello everyone, I warmed up a bit more then a litre of water and added about 1.5 tbsp of mollasess. I then mixed it and cooled it, then i added about a litre of this mix to 10l can of pure water and i also added some fertilizer, which is 10-50-10(I'm in 3rd week of flowering), i only added...