Question about soil's pH and raising it.



lass then a week ago, i noticed, most noticable on one plant, that there might be nute burn or nute lockout. Brown leaf tips.. I'm in late flowering. So 3 days ago, i just watered with pure water of ph of about 6.8. My mistake, i didn't measure nute solutions, as people say it is not as important in soil grows. I watered a bit more then usually, so that water was dripping out of pot. I left it and after 2 days it didn't look any better, i think even worse.

So yesterday i made a first flush with ph 6.8 water. The runoff on beginning was around 5. I use aquarium kit currently, and becouse it's imposibble to measure soil directly, in my case we should get the numbers even lower, so the pH must of been under 5. I was watering until i used all my water set for it, not much, and last measurement was 6, the last drops dripping out.

So today i made another flush. I added liquid sillicate as ph up, and when doing it with plant i wrote earlier about it's ph, flushing water was around 9-10 ph(about 2tsp of sillicate/10l, but i added extra .5l water becouse it was so high. A little too much, but i said lets see what will come out.. Before flush i also added also some dolomite lime on top layer of soil. Before this grow, i mixed dolomite lime with soil on beginning, to regulate the ph, but it was most likely used out already.
So when i got the first runoff, the measurment of yesterdays 6 was today again around 5, a bit higher still.. Whats the point??? So with high ph'd water, i hardly got it to 5.5-5.8 in the end with same amount of water as yesterday to 6 but much lower water ph, without sillicate.
The plants were in very great shape until now, no deficiencies troughout the grow.

Any opinons, am i doing it right or wrong??

p.s. it was first time using sillicate...

Hope anyone can help me about it, i don't want another fck'd up season right before end...


Well-Known Member
Lime takes time. If you want to move the PH up faster you can add a pinch or so of baking soda to a gallon of water. But plants don't like 'fast'. So just sprinkle a bit more lime on the soil surface and give it time.


I don't have time, due to late flowering. Baking soda is supposed to be bad as sodium is toxic for plants already in amout you need to raise ph.. I think sillicate is much better way in this case.. But should i just keep flushing until ph gets above 6?


Well-Known Member
You can use Baking Soda as long as you drain through the bottom of the pot. It's completely soluble in water.


Soo.. Anyone? I would really like to get some experienced answers, why would runoff ph be so much lower again next day as it was a day earlier after flushing? Ill see what will happen tonight...