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  1. S

    Clone Growing?...

    also all of em are like 6 inches high.
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    Clone Growing?...

    So i have 3 Clones i wanna know if i should make these momy plants or set a harvest date via sog method...these guys were picked from a flowering momy plant(healthy) i wanna know if these clones are suitable to be moms or should i just harvest what ever i get from them and cut my losses of...
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    Florecent Growing...

    hey guys i wanna know if growing mother plants...and single cola plants in part soil part dirt part perlite...with perfect room temperature and florescent lights for the entire grow...basically i know ill grow good pot but will the florescent sunlight decrease my yeild compared to using some...
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    bleached soil...

    and yea ima sell some of his shit on craiglist or take 20 from the bastered and take a hike to a appliance store.
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    bleached soil...

    oh also i grow indoor so i heard the soil is vulnerable to micro organisms but im growing indoors away from diseases.
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    bleached soil...

    hey guys i recently ran into a problem were my brother killed my plants,destoryed my plant room,and bleached my soil...i wanna know is their any way possible i could still use this bleached soil its a mix of perlight soil mix and peat moss...thanks.
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    clone questions (:

    hey so i took 4 cuttings off my flowering plant about to make buds...ok so my 4 clones 4 revegitated and made roots their growing like normal plants now and what i wanna know is would they start growing buds again on these 6 inch clones if i put them on 12/12 and would the buds be...
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    Flowered Cuttings...

    oh also i did that thing were you cut half of each blade on each leave off were they look like thumbs yea (: and i did that 30 degree agle cut on em
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    Flowered Cuttings...

    hey so i took 4 cutting off my plant right when they were about to become buds u know when the leafs shoot over the leaves without making stems with a few white basically i dont have any growing medium i just dipped them in perlite and peat moss mix will they make roots? if so how...
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    What To Do?? Transplanted Flowering Cannabis.

    yea i looked again... it wasnt up right...the buds are weighting the thing down a bit but... i think a few days and it should perk back up thx for your help
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    What To Do?? Transplanted Flowering Cannabis.

    oh also i trasplanted it from soil to a mix....soil+perlite+peatmoss... because i thought it would be happier in a mixed solution...well oh well u think it will effect my buds quality?
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    What To Do?? Transplanted Flowering Cannabis.

    ok so i transplanted it up and the stems with the buds are drooping over and now the main stem decided hey im gonna droop over... so yea is this simply because of the stress in transplanting it? cuz i did do a shitty job transplanting but i know my plan will live (: ( i didnt just yank it out i...
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    What To Do?? Transplanted Flowering Cannabis.

    Hey All, Im new to the non basic i just basically transplanted my plant into a rly big container it was about 1 and a half feet high plant (: female the buds are about half an inch and its falling over...Instead of a | its like \ is this something to exept? and will my plant turn...