What To Do?? Transplanted Flowering Cannabis.

Hey All, Im new to the non basic stuff...so i just basically transplanted my plant into a rly big container it was about 1 and a half feet high plant (: female the buds are about half an inch and its falling over...Instead of a | its like \ is this something to exept? and will my plant turn hermi or male do to stress? i dont mind hermie bud male D: thx all :-o


Well-Known Member
a female plant wont just up and decide one day "Oh, I'm gonna grow nothing but balls now, fuck flowers"...when you transplanted it did you plant it pointing up or are we talking just a weak stem and its falling over? Pics help...Transplanting will always put a little stress on the plant, fucking with its light cycles is what mainly makes a plant go hermi, so you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Not advisable to transplant a flowering plant , it wont use the extra soil anyway as its done growing roots by that stage , if your plants are struggling to hold themselves up under the weight of the budds , i suggest using a strong fan during and after the vegative cycle , and using bamboo sticks and cable ties to keep them stable, hope this helps...
ok so i transplanted it up and the stems with the buds are drooping over and now the main stem decided hey im gonna droop over... so yea is this simply because of the stress in transplanting it? cuz i did do a shitty job transplanting but i know my plan will live (: ( i didnt just yank it out i know a little bit of info)
oh also i trasplanted it from soil to a mix....soil+perlite+peatmoss... because i thought it would be happier in a mixed solution...well oh well u think it will effect my buds quality?


Well-Known Member
ok so i transplanted it up and the stems with the buds are drooping over and now the main stem decided hey im gonna droop over... so yea is this simply because of the stress in transplanting it? cuz i did do a shitty job transplanting but i know my plan will live (: ( i didnt just yank it out i know a little bit of info)
Well if you left all roots intact and the surrounding soil , it should be ok , if you did not then it may struggle , there is no reason why it should die , do not over water , will make it worse....
yea i looked again... it wasnt up right...the buds are weighting the thing down a bit but... i think a few days and it should perk back up thx for your help