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  1. G

    World Of Hempy

    Well it is nice to see Moe sending likes at least right everybody! We are all still pulling for you!:clap:
  2. G

    World Of Hempy

    If you do go the 600w route and dial it down just make sure the digi ballast doesn't run interference with others electronics or cable/sat signals. I've never had that problem my self but I only have one neighbor and is to far away to be an issue! Good luck with whatever you descide Sky Rocket!
  3. G

    World Of Hempy

    Get a dimmable 600 and go 50% power should be all good.
  4. G

    World Of Hempy

    Thank I will stop a local driver and chat him/her up about them THANKS!!!
  5. G

    World Of Hempy

    Where did you get the trays that hold your 2l I would love to get my hands on some!
  6. G

    World Of Hempy

    Please post when you can Moe. I know everyone here at WOH is pulling for you!
  7. G

    World Of Hempy

    That could be the cloraforme? Sorry spelling sucks from the green plant matter. If you leave the lids off for a while and the good weed smell come back you are ok. Just keep airing out every day till you only smell weed then every other day for about a weeek or so. I have this happen when I...
  8. G

    World Of Hempy

    Looking good I really need to get my count up only runnin about 40 2L right now. :clap:
  9. G

    World Of Hempy

    Thanks Watts will do! Really am sick of the snow crappy weather took almost two hours to get to work today vs my normal 35 min drive!:fire:
  10. G

    World Of Hempy

    Thats the same for me as well. One tablespoon of each per 2l I need to look into fattening up my buds. I like the growth and the girls stay pretty green. Sure do wish the weather here would take a turn for the better!:mad: Think I am going to try some one gallon pails for my next go round and...
  11. G

    World Of Hempy

    I totally agree Watts all it takes is one dumb ass to ruin a fairly peacefull event! Are you still using mainly the OC + for your nutes?
  12. G

    how often should I replace my HPS bulbs?

    My 600w hps is almost 6 months old and I am thinking about replacing it already. Just used for flowering 12/12.
  13. G

    World Of Hempy

    I just bought the same thing my hydro. Store guy I trust said to go with that brand as it is pretty ph netural.
  14. G

    World Of Hempy

    Naw Jela no couches just dressers and tables. And like the saying goes no good deed goes unpunished! Went to start my car this morning and dead battery! So trying to deal with it and get my butt to work! Peace Hempyneers!
  15. G

    World Of Hempy

    Watts loved the BHO pics! that is something that I will use in the coming months like a lot of others this year!
  16. G

    World Of Hempy

    Just wanted to share with all the hempyneers out there! Had to move my sister this weekend and she had a lot of furniture she wanted to throw away so instead of paying a dump I would burn it in my fire pit. Damn I really hate moving people! Oh well that is what you do for family! Happy Easter...
  17. G

    World Of Hempy

    I'm running ISS and NY sour diesel at the moment. Not sure on the count about 50 or so can't remember! Using OC+ and OC for veggies and tomatos 14-14-14 adding cal mag to RO water every watering of 5ml per gallon. Still new to growing and trying to get everything dialed. What are average yields...
  18. G

    World Of Hempy

    Watts that is what I am thinking too! I am going to buy a new tote and sterilize pump and fittings, cut new collars! Thanks for the comment about my moms! I plan on putting them outside when the season is ripe for them.
  19. G

    World Of Hempy

    Thanks Moe! I'll try the 1/2 and 1/2 water. And was wondering about leaf removal for better light penatration. Here is my last batch of hempys. I have them under cfls which lets me get the light close which has helped with over stretching in my opinion. Then after their 3 week stretch is over...
  20. G

    World Of Hempy

    Also I use RO water because my well water runs almost 800 ppm. Moe are you defoilating still or not. If so when and how much do you remove?