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  1. Hidden Agenda

    coco pot size advice

    I know this is an old thread, but I was just looking at what other people were doing with coco and I absolutely cannot believe people place arbitary limits like "you can get X amount with this many gallons on your pot." I pulled 33 oz off of 1 gallon pot. Used blumats, flushed once in a...
  2. Hidden Agenda

    busted outdoors!

    There is no way for them to find the plants except for the human eye. They are trying their hardest to clear out the large national forests in norcal, and massive crops you can't even imagine still make it through the year. this is with people placing generators and miles of irrigation in the...
  3. Hidden Agenda

    Should Iran be invaded because of it's apparent nuclear program?

    I'm sick and tired of Israel. They are the reason we are hated over there. Let Iran have nukes. It doesn't matter. If they attack anyone with a nuclear weapon Iran will cease to exist. There are very few countries that could use a nuke and not turn it into a mutual assured destruction situation.
  4. Hidden Agenda

    I drank the kool-aid!

    Obama mentioned the fact that the current health care bill is the republican bill from the clinton days when he was at that RNC summit. Like him or not, he really put a lot of people in their place. The neocon spin doesn't stand up to scrutiny
  5. Hidden Agenda

    Friend's grow......

    Here's a pic from Februray 13th! I will update soon, and attempt to label the plants in the pic with more details Each strain has it's own very unique aroma. Very very cool. the dumpster is SUPER fruity. THe widow of course has that pungent piney type smell, while the velvet is a...
  6. Hidden Agenda

    Friend's grow......

    Been helping out with a grow 5x5 tent, everything is in FF soil mixed 50/50 with light warrior. Currently in the tent there are 5 velvet bud plants, 12 white widow plants (both genetics are from seedsman, they make a great WW.) Last but not least there are two dumpster clones growing...
  7. Hidden Agenda

    You Should Be Informed.

    nah, i only wear knit hats, not tin foil ones.
  8. Hidden Agenda

    Trimming all leaves night before a harvest?

    I don't even believe that 48 hours of dark crap. I have never seen anyone prove it in any kind of controlled environment.
  9. Hidden Agenda

    Drug Test in less then 48 hours

    you must be a gambler.
  10. Hidden Agenda

    Cutting out nutes before harvest.

    There are products that nutrient companies sell that is supposed to reduce flushing times down to a couple days, but I don't have any experience with them. I usually only flush for 7-10 days myself.. In hydro i run a very short flush and taper it, while in soil I pretty much cut it down to...
  11. Hidden Agenda

    NUTRIENTS! Whats everyone like???

    I basically use the same nute brands as doug for the same applications. They both can be used for either medium, but that's just the way I do it The only thing I do different is I use the bloom boosters as well (like fox farm Cha ching) and I also use molasses in soil, as well as a mag/cal...
  12. Hidden Agenda

    tent problems ,yellow,curling,crunchy leaves

    Are you using the same water source as before? When i started using RO water, some strains i have to use a mag/cal supplement
  13. Hidden Agenda

    Cutting out nutes before harvest.

    I've only had a negative experience with not flushing one time. It was with GH flora 3 part, and i was using it in soil. The nugs would spark and pop in bowls. Even after i'd sit the bowl down the shit would be going off like firecrackers and it would stay cherry'd for over a minute!
  14. Hidden Agenda

    Drug Test in less then 48 hours

    Read up bro, you couldn't be more wrong about that water thing. I don't think you know how sensitive that type of test is, and it's becoming the standard. Too much water usually triggers an inconclusive anyways, which means another test.
  15. Hidden Agenda

    light heights???

    I just keep my lights high enough that the light level on the wall is at the same height of the canopy while making sure canopy temps are within reason. (AIR MOVEMENT!!) I think I learned to look a the light "line" on the wall from the seemorebuds video back in the day
  16. Hidden Agenda

    sap on my buds? pictures so what kiss my ass

    Well if you would have posted a pic, people could answer your question it's either bud with a lot of resin production or bud rot. With your attitude karma suggests that it's probably but rot!
  17. Hidden Agenda

    no exhaust grow room

    You for sure do not want active venting of the room while co2 is being applied.
  18. Hidden Agenda

    Drug Test in less then 48 hours

    NOTHING will fool a gas chromatography mass spectrometry test, besides fake piss. Anyone who passed by any other means just got lucky (something in the testing process failed) or is lying. you can't flush thc out of your system with any drink, it's bound to fat cells. Good luck sir.
  19. Hidden Agenda

    Harvest co2 form water heater?

    This is a great idea, but like said numerous times, this is not for the layman. i use a propane salamander to heat my garage, which is an open flame of propane. As long as you follow directions and are a competent individual, you could benefit from this idea.
  20. Hidden Agenda

    no exhaust grow room

    They don't grow as well, but you can do small grows without much ventilation, as long as the room they are in is clean. Vegetative growth will suffer quit a bit, and in turn so will flower growth. I just took almost two ounces (dry) off of a plant under a 150w light in a closet with no...