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  1. newfarme

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    Can anyone else help please!!!
  2. newfarme

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    thanks frettfreak. So as I said earlier I'm using Botanicare pure blend grow pro. it has 1% of cal-mag in it with all these other nutes. is it ok if I feed that to the soil and foliar feed?
  3. newfarme

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    Can I bring the soil pH down by watering it with 6.0ph'd water if the soil is 7ph?
  4. newfarme

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    pure blend pro grow. Right now i add 1.25ml for every liter!
  5. newfarme

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    Is it ok if i foliar feed with pure blend grow when the light is on? and will this fix the problem?
  6. newfarme

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    how do i calibrate my meter and im feeding it pure blend grow every other watering. I just use 1ml for every liter. I dont have a ppm meter.
  7. newfarme

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    They are getting worse n started to spread to other leaves! Im maintaining a water pH of 6.4 when watering and foliar fed the leaves with epsom salt.
  8. newfarme

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    usually 40% - 50%. goes down a little higher when the lights are off.
  9. newfarme

    Did this guy F*** me over?

    guaranteed female. gud luck bud!
  10. newfarme

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    My pH is showing 7.0 is that good or bad? how much epsom salt do i add for this n how long will it take for it to take effect?
  11. newfarme

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    I have a Ph meter but i bought it from ebay. You think it will be accurate enough? and how do i add cal-mag into the soil?
  12. newfarme

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    It was a plant my friend tried for the first time and didn't go that well so he gave it to me.
  13. newfarme

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    The plants are about a month n half old into veg. But only one plant has this problem out of the three. I'm using CFL's and soil medium to grow. The problem seems to have started from the bottom leaves and making they're way up. What could this be and how can i fix it? Thank you!
  14. newfarme

    Have a couple of problems!! Please helpp!!

    This is the first time I'm trying this, so need some help here guys. The plant is growing up nice, midway through veg. Its been exactly 30 days since they sprouted. Had a problem with the lighting before n the plants stretched out long, so replanted it again and brought the light closer. I have...
  15. newfarme

    Need help with my seedlings!!ASAP

    Also do they need 24 hrs of light or is it ok with 16on/8off? n the lighting setup is three cfl's and the other two are higher up so should i bring them down aswell? Thanks.
  16. newfarme

    Need help with my seedlings!!ASAP

    Thanks guys. So when I repot them should I move them to a final pot? and what kind of soil will be best for it at this stage?
  17. newfarme

    Need help with my seedlings!!ASAP

    Hey guys, I recently started growing three el ninos from greenhouse n Btw I am new to this and need help with my seedlings. soaked them on the 28 of october n now its under 3 cfl lights. But the problem is that they are growing so tall and lanky but the leaves are developing so slow. Please help!