Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE


Active Member
thats not too bad, if ur peaking above 55% try and get it down if u can or look towards mould resistant strains like moby dick - v psychoactive strain too


They are getting worse n started to spread to other leaves! Im maintaining a water pH of 6.4 when watering and foliar fed the leaves with epsom salt.


Well-Known Member
check the Ph in your SOIL. There could be something that is just off and causing your root zone PH to be off. If you KNOW you ph is right going in (meaning you have calibrated your ph meter.. if not, then start there) then check the soil.

I may have missed it, but what are you feeding it and what are your PPMs?

Also, this is NOT a fungus as suggested earlier IMO. check this thread: scroll down to calcium deficiency and take a look. Also, i have had this issue many times, and its usually, at least for me, a problem with the root zone ph.

Hope that helps.


how do i calibrate my meter and im feeding it pure blend grow every other watering. I just use 1ml for every liter. I dont have a ppm meter.


If I'm reading the instructions for that food, you should be closer to 3ml/L? You might just need to up the intake a bit if they are starting to starve? I'm just looking at the web for the fert info, so double check your label. 3-2-4 is not a bad balance really, adding 50/50% 3-0-0 would put you at an ideal 3-1-2 ratio. You don't have to act on that right away, just keep it in mind if you have any problems in the future that might be a lack of N issue like yellowing from bottom up. Your plant doesn't look too terrible, so just a light hand on the adjustments.


Well-Known Member
You can bring it down like that, but i would really just go slow. Never anything too fast with these girls is ideal. Too much too fast could be a bad thing. I believe (someone correct me if i am wrong) but you soil PH should b in the 6.3-6.8 range (i grow hydro so not 100% on that) so you are not really that far off at 7.

Check out htis chart. There are a few different ones floating around, but its a great guide to be able to see what gets locked out and where. if everything is as you say, it could just be a true deficiency and not due to a lock out (cause CA and MG both get locked out in soil at lower PH) so maybe you just need to bump up your feeding just a tad. Nothing too extreme.


thanks frettfreak. So as I said earlier I'm using Botanicare pure blend grow pro. it has 1% of cal-mag in it with all these other nutes. is it ok if I feed that to the soil and foliar feed?