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  1. J

    Cabinet Design

    Just found this recently
  2. J

    Will this work? If not what will?

    What are your thoughts on re-vegging the same plants after harvest? It sounds like the whole perpetual harvest thing isn't going to work for me unless I build another separate cab for it. I like the small t5 idea and my main concern is I don't want to be constantly buying mail order seeds due...
  3. J

    Cabinet ventilation question

    Here's my newest drawing I came up with right before I saw this. I was hoping by flipping the flower box to the top I could get a fan to vent the hood with a strong fan and leave the other opening meant for the ducting open and hopefully suck everything from the bottom intake all the way...
  4. J

    Cabinet ventilation question

    I was running theducting through the middle with two 90' turns for light proofing. As far as the fans I see what your saying I'll have to look in to that. Thanks
  5. J

    Will this work? If not what will?

    Thanks everyone for the replies Smokingrubber I certainly don't want to "bite off more than I can chew". That's why I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing so I have less disasters once I get started. That being said, I just want to do this once (as far as the large purchases) and not figure...
  6. J

    Will this work? If not what will?

    ****Warning****Extreme Noob**** Just needed to get that out of the way in case some of my questions are so stupid that they make you roll your eyes. I'm getting ready to try my 1st cab and I am building it right into a small office that I am also getting ready to build as well. I've been...
  7. J

    Cabinet ventilation question

    Thank you both for the responses. I can't believe I didn't think of that! I feel like a real dumbass now! As far as the passive intake goes, I don't mind the extra fan. If it's better not to have it then great, but I keep hearing having one is king. I was more worried about all the ducting...
  8. J

    Cabinet ventilation question

    I posted this on the noob section then thought maybe I should re post here. Cabinet ventilation question Please bear with me I'm an extreme noob. As a matter of fact I'm still trying to plan how to build my grow cabinet for my 1st time. Thanks to all for so much...
  9. J

    Cabinet ventilation question

    Yeah I forgot to mention that. I'm going for extreme stealth even though the kid won't be allowed in the office, because kids don't listen. I could put the fan for exhaust outside the cabinet since I'm building some upper cabinets that could butt into the grow cabinet, but then it seems like...
  10. J

    Cabinet ventilation question

    Please bear with me I'm an extreme noob. As a matter of fact I'm still trying to plan how to build my grow cabinet for my 1st time. Thanks to all for so much information already. I feel like my head is spinning from all the reading and learning so far. So I'm building a small office in the...