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  1. FCSoldier

    Fast Way To Dry

    Most people that are quick drying aren't doing their whole crop that way, I myself have a recommendation for 25 plants and 5 pounds of processed cannabis. I will have more than what I can have processed at one time, which means quick drying will provide me with medicine until the rest of my buds...
  2. FCSoldier

    smells funny after harvest

    The smell/taste is chlorophyll(what makes the plant green), marijuana needs to be cured in order for the chlorophyll to release. The amount of time you should cure for is up to you, generally speaking the longer the better. If there is still moisture left in your buds you can still cure them. As...
  3. FCSoldier

    I'm so hot.

    I would recommend switching your 400cfm fan to the exhaust tubing. Your exhaust should be stronger than your intake in order to ventilate properly.
  4. FCSoldier

    Mother plant in Distress help

    could be root damage...I have a plant with leaves similar to those pictured. My damage was caused by not watering properly the first time I watered, so the next time I watered there were dry spots(usually indicated by bubbles coming up through soil) The dry spots of soil actually floated to the...
  5. FCSoldier

    What ya g0t in y0ur garden, cl0set 0r r00m this seas0n?

    It smokes well(at least what I have bought) has the kush taste, but it is sweeter, doesn't taste like banana.
  6. FCSoldier

    Need to know from the Experts

    You probably aren't going to get many responses if you only want advice from people who would classify themselves as an expert. There are many knowledgeable people on here that would be happy to help, but not so many that would call themselves an expert. Those who do probably aren't. Hope this...
  7. FCSoldier

    Protecting plants from animals!

    they have pellets you can buy at hardware stores, wal-mart etc that are supposed to keep animals away. make a chicken wire fence around them.
  8. FCSoldier

    clone and veg problems - i'm stumped

    I have had plants with only 3 blades on each leaf(dj shorts flo was one of them) I was told that it sometimes happens after many generations of cloning, and sometime just from genetic defects.
  9. FCSoldier

    Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!

    I believe what you're talking about is scarification which many say will make more area available to root faster by exposing more tissue to your medium/rooting gel/water(be careful not to cut into the middle of the stem). The cutting should root whether scarification has been used or not.
  10. FCSoldier

    how do i stop this!

    I have never built one myself, but there are a few different diy carbon filter tutorials on this site... is one of them.
  11. FCSoldier

    Starting plants under lights to move outdoors

    after about 2 months they should start growing pre flowers, you could put them at 12/12 if you would like(would show sex in a week or 2), but from most of what I have read it can decrease your yield by putting it into flower before it reaches maturity(preflowering/alternating nodes)or by putting...
  12. FCSoldier

    how do i stop this!

    adding a carbon filter to your exhaust
  13. FCSoldier

    First time grow - yellowish leaves near top and female confirmation please

    It looks to be a female to me(white pistils) I wouldn't expect a huge amount of height increase as long as its getting the light it needs. You should be using a nutrient that's higher in phosphorous than nitrogen and potassium for flowering. Its hard to know the flowering time without knowing...
  14. FCSoldier

    Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!

    I clone in peat pellets, but usually before I start seeing good roots I can see the root bumps right above the soil(sometimes the ones above soil will grow into good roots also)
  15. FCSoldier

    Let's See your Closet Grow PIcs! +rep for best pics!

    Purple Kush, Banana Kush, Lemon Kush, God's Gift and Shrom
  16. FCSoldier

    Let's See your Closet Grow PIcs! +rep for best pics!

    It's the same bag seed plant as the picture I posted earlier, the light reflected off of a blue shirt I had on.
  17. FCSoldier

    What ya g0t in y0ur garden, cl0set 0r r00m this seas0n?

    Good Karma Growers(Lucerne, California) I've never grown Chocolope, but the Banana Kush is pretty bushy.
  18. FCSoldier

    window sill + CFL second grow

    I have had a plant under a 26 watt 6500k bulb for a month, and it did great. The 2700k color wont hurt it much if any. I would assume your 2700k depending on the wattage(23 watt 2700k would have a similar lumen output to the 26 watt 6500k) would be enough light to live, but it will probably...
  19. FCSoldier

    Let's See your Closet Grow PIcs! +rep for best pics!

    Bag seed last year. I have plants in veg now, but they will be going outdoors in a month or so.
  20. FCSoldier

    What ya g0t in y0ur garden, cl0set 0r r00m this seas0n?

    Purple Kush, Lemon Kush, Banana Kush, God's Gift and Shrom(All are clones)