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  1. J

    Private Messaging

    What a troll you are.
  2. J

    Private Messaging

    Well Dr Greenhorn, since you like to make smart assumptions, I actually copied that username. That is not my account nor have I been a member before so in this case your wrong.
  3. J

    Sent an email thanks mate.

    Sent an email thanks mate.
  4. J

    Private Messaging

    I have made 27 posts yet I can't send Private messages yet. How do you get the ability to send messages?.
  5. J


  6. J

    Hi there, I have 25 posts but I can't send PM. Can you help?. Thanks

    Hi there, I have 25 posts but I can't send PM. Can you help?. Thanks
  7. J

    This makes me so happy !

    Cool stuff Jadeey.
  8. J

    holy fucking crap I'm baked

    Express those thoughts right here.
  9. J

    Cheap Meals...what do you do?

    Noodles and Cereal all the way.
  10. J

    The not nudity, nudity thread

    Duck face for real .
  11. J

    Federal Intelligence Agencies May Help Target Pot Growers

    Exactly armed drones for MJ smokers.
  12. J

    California Medical Marijuana Industry Comes To Reality TV

    I can't wait to see this. Somebody has to step out in the open like that one day.
  13. J

    Rollitup addiction

    Stay here massah, work sucks.
  14. J

    cocaine and running?

    I thought it would help running.
  15. J

    3 Word Story

    The werkus durkus.
  16. J

    my ex sent me a phising email and I opened it

    Send him one back maybe.
  17. J

    So I think I have thieves patrolling my neighborhood...

    Cameras all the way st5ream them to a private internet channel and if they destroy anything their image will be saved online.
  18. J

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    I wish I had a sack to post.
  19. J

    Lace and Frills <3

    cool outfit.