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  1. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Im having SERIOUS problems please help

    would drinking water be better with a ph of 6.8
  2. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Im having SERIOUS problems please help

    12 inch fan blowing right on them
  3. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Im having SERIOUS problems please help

    I am having SERIOUS growing issues and I am not new to growing I have grown plants a few times all with sub par equipment and now I have the best of everything and nothing is going right. Let me state my stats first Temp: 70-76 RH: roughly 60% fairly constantly Soil: Professional mix...
  4. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Im having SERIOUS problems please help

    I am having SERIOUS growing issues and I am not new to growing I have grown plants a few times all with sub par equipment and now I have the best of everything and nothing is going right. Let me state my stats first Temp: 70-76 RH: roughly 60% fairly constantly Soil: Professional mix...
  5. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!

    seems to be doing the job so runoff is around 7 do you think this will clear u the issue
  6. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!

    how long would you wait
  7. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!

    also this is prilled lime is that the same as dolomite any suggestions on soil mix available from home depot/lowes if this does t work thanks
  8. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!

    ok guys i started from scratch old seedlins didnt look like they were going to make it. I went and bought some pennington's fast acting lime and mixed in about 6 pounds into my soil i think that may have been too much. afterwards i checked my runoff and it is still of the scale. if this does...
  9. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!

    soil runoff is under 6.o its off the scale and I cannot tell im really hoping lime takes care of this issue any ideas?
  10. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!

    i use big bloom because it says to on fox farms feeding schedule
  11. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!

    a few seedlings were showing signs of a nitrogen deffenciency so i added 1/4 strength nutes watered 50 ml each tested run off waterright around 6.0 and it seems like some seedlings are having a hard time straightening up they are stilll facing down towards the soil
  12. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!

    just had some laying around figured it would help retain some moisture:spew:
  13. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!

    by the way all i have is an aquarium ph test kit with the eye drop thingy
  14. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!

    I was reading about that dlomite lime im thinking that is an idea. There are no nutes in any of the mixes in my medium i just gave 1/4 strength big bloom and a good watering the soil seems to get dry VERY quickly i water with about 40 ml of water once somtimes twice a day. My lights are within...
  15. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Odd Seedling Question This has now happened TWICE!!

    Id like to think everybody that has helped me so far. This is the second time this month I have started from seed using the paper towel method going into a mix of 60% peat moss, 30% perlite, and 10% coco. I have phed y water to around 6.8. Temps are around 75-78 rh is around 50 give or...
  16. BuYInGEverYWorD

    HELP NEEDED with Watering Seedlings!!!! ADVICE PLEASE

    I am not new to this but it has been awhile I am germinating seeds in the paper towel method then i put them in a moist 66% peat moss and 33 % perlte mixture. I am new to this mix. How oftem should I water they are just coming through the top of the soil. Temp is 75-78, RH is around 60%. I...
  17. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Temps too HIGH!!!????!!!!

    I have a 4 x 2 cabinet with 5 feet of height my temps are running 82 with doors closed and 77 open I have 240 cfm of exhaust and 185 of intake... any ideas???
  18. BuYInGEverYWorD

    first time trying to grow

    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. search jorge cervantes, it will help you a-z
  19. BuYInGEverYWorD

    Heat issues!!

    you always need ventilation as far as heat concerns are, try it out
  20. BuYInGEverYWorD

    hps light start to finish?

    i hope it works im doing it now